Wednesday 6 January 2016


January 6th, 2016 (Wednesday) 


[Scripture] - Psalm 8:4 (KJV) : "What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?

[Message] - Good morning Great and Mighty Sons and Daughters of the Most High. 

Through the old testament, anytime the children of Israel faced a challenge, instead of running to God, were very good at complaining that God wanted them to die and they quickly forgot the great and mighty things God did for them. 

Many believers, nowadays, behave like the children of Israel. We are quick to forget the good things that God has done for us (the narrow escape from accident, provision, miraculous protection, life, and so on) and when one or two things don't go our way, we begin to think that God hates us. Lord have mercy! 

The truth is God is very much interested in us. He loves us so much that He gave us His only Son, the greatest type anyone could offer (John 15:13), and then we're sure that He who did that, also loves us enough to provide for our needs (Romans 8:32, Phil. 4:19). 

So when some things don't go our way, it's still because He loves us and wants the best for us. Yeah, He knows what's best for us. All we have to do is just trust Him. Romans 8:28 tells us that ALL (whether good or bad) things are working together for our good. We should understand this and just love and trust God more.

In my own words, I would say that God has a soft spot for His Children. He loves you so much that He wouldn't do anything to hurt you, you have to believe this. If you you're not too happy with what you see today, it's because He's working something out for you. Just be patient and see how grand it'll be. You're important to God. 

Further Bible Study :- Matthew 10: 29-31, Psalm 8:4-9

Bible in one year plan :- Numbers 27:12 - Numbers 29:40
Psalm 148.

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