Wednesday, 6 January 2016



"I have brought the message of salvation to you. A life without Christ will only end in Crisis but Jesus will make your life a meaningful one and you...", Paul said.
"Keep quiet!", I quickly interrupted, " so that's the nonsense you wanted to say?" 
I signalled to the bodyguard behind him to take him away and have fun dealing with him."

I paused at this point, sighed a deep sigh and continued.

"So we all graduated and time passed until it was time for us to be posted for our youth service. I ended up at the Ministry of Special Duties in Lagos state and on the day I was meant to report at my Place of Primary Assignment, Paul was there, though at a different office though. How it happened, I didn't know. He didn't look like someone who had the connections to end up there. Little did I know that it was all divine arrangement. 

As I began working at the office, I met a young man at the office who was so good-looking. I liked him the moment I saw him and you can imagine what that grew into after consistently looking at him across the office for 3 months. However, he didn't look like he was feeling the same way and that gave me worries. I thought I had a magical appearance that no guy could resist. This young man totally proved me wrong, and because I was not used to liking something and not getting it, I decided to go talk to him."

At this point, the guys in the congregation screamed in excitement, trying to poke the ladies, while a similar expression came from only few ladies. 

"So, one Monday morning, I decided I was going to talk to him about how I was feeling before I went crazy. When I got to office that morning and I took care of all I had to do that morning, I walked up his side of the office, sat in front of him and smiled at him. He returned the smile but it obviously was forced. It looked like I was disturbing him but I didn't care anyways. I think he already knew what I was going to say. While I spoke, he just sat there, staring at me and smiling. 

By the time I was through, I felt stupid because, I felt it was against my ego, and of course, ladies shouldn't do the talking when it comes to issues like this. The guys should be the ones who come to us."

At this point, the ladies were the ones who did the shouting to poke the guys while the guys all screamed, 'NO!'. 

I continued...

"All the guys who had come to me in the past were, of course, severely beaten. So this guy was lucky.

When I finished talking, He turned in my direction, smiled and cleared his throat."

What did he say? 

ALL LIFE AND NO CHRIST continues in Part 5.

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