Sunday, 10 January 2016


January 10th, 2016 (Saturday) 


[Scripture] - Ephesians 4:23 (KJV) "And be renewed in the spirit of your mind."

[Message] - Good morning ☺. Happy Sunday. 

The greatest battle of all time takes place in the mind. Jesus understood and that's why we are warned to guard our hearts with all diligence, for our of it are the issues of life(Prov. 4:23), and in our anchor scripture, we are also asked to be renewed in the spirits of our mind. 

The mind is extremely important at this because until the mind is renewed, we will continue to fall for the temptations of the devil. The mind is very fragile, such that to commit a sin or fall for the temptation of the devil, it begins with a thought that the devil drops on our minds. If we dwell on that thought, and do not rebuke or resist the devil, it won't be long before we fall for that temptation. 

One big mistake many youths of nowadays make with thinking and sin is that, they think the more they're conscious of it, the less they're prone to fall for it, when it's actually the other way round. What your mind dwells upon is what it will give room for, whether you want it or not. So the solution is not to think about it at all, but to rather think on things that are pure, good, honest, just, lovely and true (Phil.4:8). 

If you dwell on things outside of these, we risk falling for whatever it is that our minds dwell upon. And that comes down to the type of things we feed our ears and eyes with, particularly the music we listen to, the things we permit ourselves to listen to, the things we permit our eyes to see, and so on. Until these things are controlled, we will continue to fall. 

In conclusion, the Holy Spirit should be our best friend. He helps out when we're weak.
Attaining victory over temptation is very possible for the believer and the answer is JESUS. However, the complete equation is: 
The Word + Faith + Action on the Word + A renewed mind + Holy Spirit = Victory over temptation. 
God bless! #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :- Romans 12:1-2 

Bible in one year plan :- Deuteronomy 1:1 -. Deuteronomy 2:25, Job 1:13-19. 

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