Monday, 11 January 2016


January 11th, 2016 (Monday) 


[Scripture] - Matthew 6:27, (KJV) "Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?"

[Message] - A beautiful morning to you. 

There are a few reasons why we humans may worry. Humans are programmed to want a lot of things, and may not get them at the specified time. This causes worry. When there's a loss of any kind, or uncertainty about the future, it also causes worry in the heart of a believer. 

Worry is from the devil. It can suck the life out of clear thinking. Once you begin to worry, you don't think clearly anymore. Worrying about tomorrow doesn't help anything, but squeezes the joy out of today. It paralyses the ability to reason positively. 

If you're a child of God, whatever happens to you is either allowed or permitted to happen to you by God. We should learn to trust Him and to believe that He who loves will not do anything to hurt us. So, even when we aren't happy with somethings, it's all working out for our good. A proverb says that, 'it's in severe pain that tribal marks are drawn, but when the whole process is completed, it becomes attractive.' This means that you may not like it now but in the end, you will. 

Jesus told Peter in John 13:7, 'You do not realise now what I am doing, but later you will understand.' With this knowledge, when the devil brings worry, what we should do is go to God in prayers, casting all our cares on Him, because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). We should be thankful for the things we have and then release our thoughts to Him. 

When we do this, we receive peace, and then realise that nothing is too difficult for God. He is never late. He's working it all out for your good. So, get rid of worry, and leave it all to God. He won't disappoint you. That's for sure.

Further Bible Study :- Psalm 92:19, Matthew 6:25-34

Bible in one year plan :- Deuteronomy 2:26 - Deuteronomy 4:31, Job 1:20 - Job 2:6.

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