Friday, 1 January 2016



One question in the heart of every youth is the one that bothers on relationships and marriage. As youths, we are bound to make relationships with people everywhere we go. But then, how do we know who is right? How are we sure we are not making a mistake? How are we sure we are not going to regret that decision? 

Since its a lifetime contract, we know we can't afford to miss it.

 The Holy Spirit has helped me to put somethings together to help guide our choices on which relationships are right and whether that lady/guy is God's will for our life. 

The first thing I would like us to know is that marriage was instituted by God Himself. You receive your certificate before getting enrolled in the school. However, you spend every day of your life defending that certificate. He has provided the resources to sustain you, to make every croocked path straight. That immediately tells me that there will be croocked paths (challenges). 

The second is that the journey of marriage is a 2-in-1 Dual journey. You both walk the walk, run the run so that when one is weak, the other can assist (Eccl. 4:8-10). Imagine a bicycle without a tyre, or a motorcycle with a flat tyre. That journey will never be smooth and may even be cut short before it reaches its destination. So both the husband and wife are involved. 

The third is that there should only be a triangular marriage. God, the husband and the wife. The moment the shape changes into a square (4 people), or pentagon (5 people) and so on, there comes a problem. Even the parents at that points are only advisers and do not have a say or right over that marriage. Just like a bicycle: God should be the rider, and the couple, the 2 tyres...perfect!  

All of these are just to make us see how delicate and important marriage is and to make us realise that we just can't afford to miss it in marriage because marrying the wrong person is hell on earth already and I'm sure we know divorce doesn't sound well in God's ears. I'd give an example here: this morning, I heard of the example of a man who married the wrong person. He became sick and had cancer and at the time when his friends contributed all the millions for the surgery, his wife locked him up in a room for him to die.

I pray for you again in the name that is above every other name, that you will not miss it in marriage in Jesus name. 

However, we have a guarantee that with God, we won't miss it because He has promised us Divine guidance (Isa. 30:21) but wee must be willing and obedient (Isa. 1:19). 

The Bible says, that He that finds a wife... so there's the place of the finding. I would love to correct here that it's not only the guy that does the finding but also the lady except that the ways they do the finding are different. The guy goes in search (Prov. 18:22), while the lady sees the guy who has come in search and then says that she has found after she's convinced. 

We will quickly discuss 7 rules of finding according to God's will and then we will close...

Never look for a wife outside your father's house (Gen. 6:1-3, Judges 16-20). 

If he/she is not genuinely born again, you're making a big mistake, if not the biggest. 

You can't have the devil as your father-in-law and experience peace.
You also cannot sleep on the lap of Delilah and wake up in the bosom of Abraham. 

Samson made this mistake as well as the sons of God in our text.

Never embark on the journey without God. (Isa. 30:1-3)

The sole-propreietor, principal, provost, Head of department, lecturer, vice chancellor, and chancellor of this institution called marriage is God. He sees the end from the beginning. If you go on this search without Him, you're pushing yourself down a bottomless pit. 

Never make your choice based on what you see. (Prov. 31:30).

"Beauty is vain". Don't primarily consider beauty when choosing. I'm not saying she shouldn't be beautiful (by the grace of God, I will never marry someone who isn't beautiful), but let it come after the main things. If not, when the beauty is gone and the physical qualities and quantities have excused themselves, you'll begin to get bored and tired. 

Rather, go for inner beauty. If her heart is beautiful, she's complete. 

Never allow anyone see a vision for you. 

You're not a bastard! If you're born again, you have the Spirit of God (Rom. 8:9) and those that are led by the Spirit are sons of God (Rom. 8:14). You're your own prophet. God will speak to you Himself. Another prophet can only confirm or encourage what God has previously shown you. 

Please, don't be deceived! 

I repeat, You're not a bastard! You're your own prophet! 

Never decide to pick anyone who doesn't have a vision and mission. (prov.29:18)

You must first have a vision for yourself, know where you're going and make sure he/she also knows where he/she is going, if not, because they are visionless, they will keep themselves busy destroying your own vision. 

If you leave someone who has a vision for someone who has a television, you will soon begin to watch the person that has a vision on that television. 

Never sideline your parents - both biological and spiritual. (Eph. 6:1)

You need their blessings and God can also use them to guide you. They have gone down this path and they have some experiences that may help so that you don't make such mistakes. Please don't allow the "love blindfold" to hinder your eyes from seeing what your parents are showing you. 

Lastly,  never go in search of, or pick, a partner for yourself until you're sure you can not only feed yourself but also an extra mouth. Financial maturity amongst others (physical, mental, emotional...) is very important to enrol in this institution. 

No lady wants to be married into poverty...can I get a witness from the ladies? 

This present world deals with "what can you offer?". Competition speaks for itself everywhere. 

At the same time, no man wants to marry a liability. Can I get a witness from the gentlemen?

So ladies, work on yourself to be independent but submissive 100% to your husband. 

...when all these conditions are met, you can find the lady or guy and bring him/her to God. If God is satisfied, he stamps it and blesses it, your parents give their blessings also. It's a YES and that's your HAPPILY EVER AFTER!!!

If you have any questions, you can reach me on:

BBM: 2B1121C2 
Google+ : Testimony Olumade  

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