Tuesday 1 December 2015


1st December, 2015 (Tuesday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- Proverbs 22:29, KJV. "Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men."

(The Word) :- Good morning ☺. Happy new month. Welcome to your month of testimonies. 

There's a business that God has given to every man. God has a plan and purpose for every man. No man is without an assignment on earth and we will all give account of how we have worked; that's why laziness is not tolerated. 

In the secular world, laziness is not tolerated at all. We live in a world where what you have to offer puts you in a higher position or takes you from one level to the other. In other words, promotion is based only on hardwork. No lazy man will be promoted. 

So is it also in the things of God. God is a business man. Jesus came and went about His Father's business. God does not make investments that won't bring returns, hence, He doesn't do business with lazy people. Unfortunately, many believers are lazy in the things of God. 

Laziness can be in different ways. If you find it difficult to stay with God in the place of prayer, you're lazy. If you have to be cajoled or pushed before you can do the work of God, you're lazy. The investments of God in a man are for work. Our anchor scripture tells us that only diligent people wil stand before kings. God is the King of kings and only the diligent can stand before Him.
The lazy servant who did nothing with the talent was banished into outer darkness. God hates laziness and doesn't do business with lazy people. You can't walk with God if you're lazy. #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :- Matthew 25:14-30

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