(Scripture) :- I Thessalonians 1:8, AMP. ":For not only has the Word concerning and from the Lord resounded forth from you unmistakably in Macedonia and Achaia, but everywhere the report has gone forth of your faith in God [of your leaning of your whole personality on Him in complete trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness]. So we [find that we] never need to tell people anything [further about it]."
(The Word) :- Good morning ☺. Welcome to the last day in the penultimate month of the year.
There are difficulties today in evangelism. One of the reasons for these difficulties is that those who are evangelising do not really know what it means for God to save someone from sin (Matt.1:21). So, those who are preaching the Word, actually themselves, need the salvation message.
Evangelism is taking an invitation to a lost soul to come, see and experience the saving power of God. Another word synonymous to 'evangelism' is 'witnessing'. A witness is someone who testifies to the occurrence or non-occurrence of an event. You can't tell anyone about someone you don't know. You must have met the person before you can talk about him/her to someone else. You can evangelise effectively until you, yourself, have had an encounter with Christ.
Up until early this year, I used to evangelise with routinized words I would have arranged and rehearsed in my head and it didn't produce must fruit. Then, I wanted to evangelise in a bus while I was on a journey, I prayed a little, and the Holy Spirit instructed me to talk about my encounter with the saving power of God and to the glory of God, it produced results.
Apart from witnessing or testifying which involves speech, there's a better level of witnessing. This is the level where people see the change in your life themselves and they come to ask for the secret, then you introduce them to your God. This level is better because you don't have to say anything and the goodnews of the gospel travels farther than you may have done as we read in our anchor scripture.
Even the unbeliever is attracted to a life that lives like Christ. When we live this way, it's a proof that we ourselves are saved and a tool of witnessing to others. You have NO excuse not to win any soul into God's kingdom before the year runs out. #SELAH
Further Bible Study :- Acts 13, I Thessalonians 1.
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