Sunday, 29 November 2015


This is not one of those broadcast messages without an origin. It's a true story and it's mine! 

So it happened on the 27th of November, 2015, in a dream, that I was taken to a room where the devil was having a meeting with his demons. They were discussing that they are a step closer to erasing and wiping out the human race.
They said all that was left was to find out the secret to their prayer life and study of the Word of God and that the moment they do that, they would take steps to destroy them all.

In fact, I could see that they had already taking a captive. Someone was already under their bondage but unfortunately, I couldn't recognise the individual. The moment the devil said they would take steps to destroy all of human race, I came out of hiding and confronted him saying that "it's not possible, we have a God who's stronger than him"

He then picked up a bible, showed it to me and said "isn't this the secret?" So we got into an argument and I replied, "This Bible in your hand is more than just black and white, it's the Word of God and it's powerful and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, bone and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart " (Hebrews 4:12). 

It was after I replied him that he went quiet and I woke up shivering. 

The devil is after two things in this our generation and he's taking it serious: our Prayer life and our study of the Word. And if we look at it critically, he's succeeding in some lives.

Ask yourself a question: in the last 24 hours, have you studied the Word of God for just 30 minutes and have u stayed in the place of prayer just for 30minutes? If you haven't, the truth is that the devil is actually gaining grounds. 

We have to take these things serious. The devil now knows that these are the secrets and he will do ALL it takes to make sure he cuts us from studying the Word and Praying. He will always give you that excuse, "there's no time" (i'm guessing that was your excuse also). He's the one who will preoccupy with many things so much that we neglect these things we're talking about. 

God is doing something in this our generation. Smith Wigglesworth said many years ago "a generation is coming where the exploits they will do will combine all of ours and beat it." This is that generation, the devil can see it and he's trying to cut many from fulfilling destiny, either with day-to-day activities, addictions, or secret sins and so on.

From now on, please let's make it a point of duty to spend at least 30 minutes studying the Word of God and 30 minutes in the place of prayer (you can refer to my post on supernatural praying: )

E.M Bounds said "Satan trembles when he sees the weakest believer go on his knees to pray." According to that dream, some have already been captured by the devil but we must be sober and vigilant (I Peter 5:8). The devil is not resting, we can't afford to.

God has been gracious enough to reveal the plans of the devil and his cohorts. It now lies in our hands whether we act on them or not. However, my sincere prayer for everyone reading this is that none of us will fall into the trap of the devil. None of us will fall or fail, we will not miss it and on that last day, none of us will be found wanting.

Please, share this message unedited to others and let's spread the word so that, others can be blessed, and collectively we can all act right so that the devil loses the battle over our lives. 

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