The Bible refers to God as the Creator. The first few verses of the first book of the Bible tell us that nothing existed until God began to create by the Word of His mouth. And in the last book of the Bible, Revelation, we read in verse 8 of the first chapter that God is "Alpha and Omega" - beginning and the end. I.e. Without beginning or end.
The next logical question would be "then who created God?" Well, the answer, from the Bible, is that God was not created. God just is. He is eternal.
The evidences of God's existence are in everything He created. For example, how does water get in the coconut? How is the baby (flesh and bone) formed from blood in the womb? How come the sun and moon never coincide either in the day or in the night? Even the Eclipses are another evidence. How come the seasons know when to come and go? How come the sources of the never ending waterfalls have never been discovered till date? Even those who don't read the Bible know from nature that there must have been a supreme creator. Despite the propositions of theories on the process by which the worlds began, some scientists still make reference to some "intelligent design" - a creator.
Believers believe that God exists in three (3) different forms:
God, the Father
God, the Son
God, the Holy Spirit.
Now, because this supreme God wants a relationship with us, He has revealed more than we can understand from nature. That revelation is the Bible. From the Bible, we understand God as the supreme Creator, Jesus, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as the powerful presence of God. Therefore, one God but existing in three different forms.
Think of it. Would God be God if He was comprehensible to us mere humans? God is way beyond us (Isaiah 55:8-9). So the raw truth is that you can't prove to anyone that God exists. No one can prove God. The best anyone can do is provide evidences of God's existence, and there are four of them: Scientific, Historic (Jesus and other fulfilled prophecies), Personal experiences and as revealed in the Bible.
You ask: what if I'm not a scientist, an historian and not deeply spiritual or trained in the Bible? Then you can do this by expressing His love to others.
Those asking you to prove God are watching you and will make their conclusions based on what they see in you. So are you living the life of Christ here on earth? Are you, in every situation, behaving like Christ would have? When you do all of these and express the love of God, you wouldn't need to say a word to convince anyone that God exists because they would see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven (Matt. 5:16). The fact that they glorify 'your Father in Heaven' means they are already convinced about the existence of God without you saying a word. All you may need to say is to share your faith, using Bible verses that would invite them to share in what makes you believe in God, giving personal experiences (verses like John 3:16, I john 4:16).
The more you live your faith, the less you need to defend it, the more others see Jesus in you.
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