Tuesday 24 November 2015


24th November, 2015 ( Tuesday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- Genesis 16:3, ESV. "So, after Abram had lived ten years in the land of Canaan, Sarai, Abram's wife, took Hagar the Egyptian, her servant, and gave her to Abram her husband as a wife."

(The Word) :- Good morning Your Royal Eminence. Hope you had a good night rest? 

God has a plan for your life. He has an already mapped out destiny for every child of His (Jer. 29:11). His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts (Isa.55:8), He is the sovereign God, the Alpha and the Omega, Beginning and the End, the Almighty. He knows all things and we can't pretend to know what He thinks except He reveals it to us. Hence, we will never know the plan of God for our life except He reveals it to us. 

One mistake we, humans, make is that we use our small brains to think about how God will do the things He has promised us, instead of just trusting Him. This plan of God for us, many times, does not go the way we think it should and this is the point where we begin to welcome the idea of helping God. We say, destiny isn't supposed to take me through this path of loneliness and pain, so we start thinking of helping God to bring our destiny to the right track, not knowing we are taking our destinies the wrong track. 

God promised Abram that He will be a father of many nations and that He will have a child. After dwelling 10 years in Canaan, He hadn't seen any signs of the child and circumstances were not telling Him anything of such will happen. So His wife thought, "since God has promised a child but didn't not say through whom it will come, maybe it's meant to come through my maid", and that decision birthed Ismael. 

There's no way we can help God fulfil our destinies. He knows what He's doing and anytime we try to help Him, 99.9% of those times, we are using our own hands to destroy our destinies. Don't say, 'God must be expecting me to help myself in this situation'. The way out is total trust in God and an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. No man can know the mind of God except the Spirit reveals it (I cor. 2:10).

Anytime you try to give God a helping hand concerning your destiny, you're moving your destiny from the right to the wrong track. He's the sovereign God and doesn't need to be helped. Just trust Him. #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :- I Samuel 13, John 18:10-11. 

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