Wednesday 11 November 2015

Is it God speaking? The devil? or are you just talking to yourself?

11th November, 2015 (Wednesday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :-  Isaiah 8:20, KJV. "...if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them."

(The Word) :- Good morning Joint-Heirs with Christ. Hope you had a wonderful night rest? 

In a bid to be guided or led as we go through life, we receive supernatural leading in form of voices in our spirits. When we hear a voice in our spirit, it could be from three different sources: the Holy Spirit, the devil or the flesh. 

The Holy Spirit reveals the mind of God to His children (1 Cor. 2:10). So when the Holy Spirit speaks, it's directly from the throne of God. For instance, it was the Holy Spirit who spoke to Apostle Paul on his way to Damascus. He didn't anyone to tell Him that it was from God. 

When the devil speaks, you know that it's from the devil because the devil lies and doesn't speak according to the Word of God (John 8:44, Isaiah 8:20). Once it doesn't tally with the Word, you know it's from the devil. It's always the opposite of what God would say. For instance, we see the devil speaking to Eve in the Garden of Eden and He told them exactly the opposite of the instructions God gave them (Genesis 3:3-6).

The flesh also speaks. How do I know? Gal. 5:16 says, "So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh." Desires, there,  connotes emotions which is only characteristic of something that lives and can speak. Now, as for the flesh it's a little tricky. The flesh speaks only to satisfy it's desires and the desires are listed in Gal. 5:19-22. 

So, when we hear that voice in our spirits, we should be sure it's voice of God before we act. If it's God, He will confirm it (with His Word, visions, dreams) etc. The devil will speak outside the Word, and the flesh will speak to satisfy it's desires. Whose voice is that? #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :- Galatians 5:16-26, Genesis 3. 

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