Saturday, 28 November 2015


28th November, 2015 ( Saturday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- Luke 18:1, AMP. "Also [Jesus] told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not to turn coward (faint, lose heart, and give up)"

(The Word) :- Good morning Your Excellency. Hope the night was refreshing? 

Another fruit of the supernatural that believers should also enjoy is supernatural praying and unfortunately many believers are not enjoying it today.  Youths nowadays can't pray beyond 15minutes. We suddenly find out that after some time, we're tired and we leave. 

Praying goes beyond uploading our prayer requests to God. It goes beyond a routine. It goes beyond vain repetitions and complaints. Prayer should be a lifestyle. It should be an all-the-time kind of thing. Like Jesus said in our anchor scripture, we should always pray and not faint. It should be a communication with God. A two-way type and not one-way type. 

How would you feel when someone walks up to you, asks for a bunch of things, doesn't wait for your reply and then walks away. That's exactly what we do when we just come to God, upload all our prayer requests and walk out on Him. We should tarry in His presence for what He has to say to us. God will always speak if we're patient enough to wait and listen to what He has to say. 

We can all get to that point of supernatural praying where we pray and things begin to happen. Paul and Silas prayed this kind of prayer and there was an earthquake; Jesus prayed this way and the heavens were opened; the Church prayed and Peter was delivered; Elijah prayed and fire came down, and so on.

We all can also get there. However, we must be ready to spend time in the place of prayer, giving God quality time and not giving God leftover of our time, not give up or lose heart if we pray and we don't see the answers immediately and to actually communicate with Him (speak to Him and wait for His reply). Through this, we develop our relationship with God and when we pray, things will happen. #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :- Acts 16:25-34, I Kings 18.

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