Wednesday, 18 November 2015


18th November, 2015 ( Wednesday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- Isaiah 55:8, KJV. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."

(The Word) :- Good morning Kings and Queens. Hope you had a refreshing night? 

One reason why many do not get along with God so easily is because they have created a future in their minds and they just expect God to put a stamp on it and bring it to pass. They already have in their minds the picture of the type of future they want, how it's all supposed to play out and they fail to realise that it's about God and not us. 

Jer.29:11 tells us that God has a plan for us and we have a place in destiny. We are not just robots on assignment, God has a plan for every step and issue of our life and He has His ways of doing things. The fact is that His ways are not our ways and until we're ready to face and accept that fact, we will keep missing out.

The plan of God for every step of our lives (what to study, which school to go, who to marry, career, and so on) is almost totally different from what we have in mind and that's the reason why we have to be open minded and let God have His way. That He handled Mr.A this way doesn't mean He will handle Mr.B the same way. 

He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, yet He handled the three of them in 3 different ways. We, therefore, shouldn't stereotype God. He is a dynamic God and cannot be predicted. The danger of stereotyping God is that if He comes in a different way apart from what you have in mind, you would think it's the devil trying to push you from destiny and that's how many people miss it in life.

Please, don't stereotype God. Predicting Him may not work. It's always best we keep an open mind and let Him have His way. His ways and thoughts are totally different from ours. #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :- Exodus 14

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