Wednesday, 2 December 2015


2nd December, 2015 ( Wednesday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- Psalm 46:1, NIV. "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. "

(The Word) :- Good evening. Hope you had a good day?

We know of the popular saying that 'life is not a bed of roses'. This life is not a rosy one and the Christian race is not one without hurdles, in terms of tribulations. Jesus said in John 16:33 that we will face tribulations. Anyone who, therefore, tells you that the Christian race will be tribuation-free is only telling a lie. 

Jesus continues in John 14:30 to tell us that we should be of good cheer because HE has overcome the world. These tribulations can come in different forms at different times and periods of our lives. However, we have an assurance that our God has overcome the world. There's therefore no tribulation that can take us off course as long as we stay connected to God. 

God is our very present help in trouble. Our anchor scripture puts it in a better way, It says that HE is our ever-present help in trouble. It means that every time trouble comes, He is always present to help. He never leaves us to face tribulations on our own. He is always there to help us overcome. 

Many face tribulations and instead of them to overcome, it seems like they are not overcoming but rather, the tribulations are overcoming them. This is not because our ever present help in trouble is not around. No! It's rather because we haven't invited Him and are probably looking for other escape routes through personal effort. 

Tribulations are not meant to punish or kill us but to make us grow and get better. God is always present in time of trouble. As long as we give Him first place, recognise Him and allow Him to do the fighting for us. Victory is ours and tribulations will end up being testimonies. I see every tribulation around you turning out to be testimonies in Jesus name. Amen. #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :- Exodus 14

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