There is sin and there are sins. What I mean by that is that we have Sin as a nature, a person and we have sins as deeds.
After Adam fell at the garden of Eden, man became a sinner by default. That's why David said he was born into sin and shaped in iniquity (Ps. 51:5). Everyone born of a woman is born as a sinner, not because he has committed any sin persay but because he comes out of the sinful nature of man.
God saw this and wanted to rescue man because of His magnificent love for man (Jn 3:16). It was because of this He sent His only begotten son to take that sacrifice on behalf of mankind. So Jesus came, in form of flesh and blood (John 1:14) and lived a life totally free of sin so as a disappoint sin and set an example of a life that can be perfect (Matt.5:48)
After His death and resurrection, the sacrifice was completed and man could now be restored to God. That grace that bringeth salvation to all men was poured out to all humanity but only accessible by those who are ready to accept it. So all that man needed to do now was just to believe in His heart that Jesus died and resurrected and then to confess with his mouth the Lord Jesus....and GBAM! He is saved.
Someone who used to be an enemy of God has now become a son by the Spirit of adoption (Rom.8:15)...that's Grace!
Someone who used to be alienated and far from being a partaker of the commonwealth of Isreal (the blessings of Abraham) can now swim in God's bountiful and endless riches...that's Grace! (Eph. 2:12-13). Someone who was a member of the kingdom of darkness has now been translated into the kingdom of God...that's Grace! (Col. 1:13).
A quick illustration is a child who played in the mud, became messy and then came under a shower. By the time he's through, no one will know he was in the mud. That shower signifies grace while the mud signifies sin.
Grace is endless and abundant but only for the believer! The only type of grace available to the unbeliever is that which brings salvation (Titus 2:11). After plugging into the grace that brings salvation, we can now have access to the bountiful endless grace of growing in it. Apostle Paul speaks of growing in grace and falling from grace.
The way to grow in grace is to keep a constant, fervent, frequent relationship with that Spirit of Grace (Zech. 12:10). That's why grace is in levels depending on how deep the believer has gone with the Holy Spirit. So Grace saves us from the nature of Sin according to Eph.2:8.
Finally, concerning sin as deeds.
According to Romans 5:20-21, grace abounds much more, regardless of how great sin is...that's true! It's the grace that's supposed to help you to live a righteous life. If you now continue in the deeds of sin, knowing that grace has saved you from the nature of sin, then there remaineth no more sacrifice again (Heb. 10:26) and you have taken the grace of God out of context...that's where the man backslides. That's why in Heb.6:1, Apostle Paul asks..shall we continue in Sin that grace may abound? GOD FORBID!
Ps. 23:3 talks of the path of righteousness. Righteousness is a path and not a journey. So it takes time to be perfect and Jesus understands this, that's why He says through Apostle John in I John 2:1 that we shouldn't live in the nature of sin anymore, but just incase we commit the deeds of sin, then we have an advocate, Jesus Christ, who can still grace us again, give us a second chance and restore us...and that's the place of genuine repentance and rededication of life.
So in conclusion, let's not take the grace of God out of context please. It's available, let's plug into it so as to live righteous lives and if you know you haven't plugged into it all, you are far from enjoying what Grace really means. Here is another opportunity, talk to the Giver of Grace , surrender your life and receive Grace to live a righteous life.
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