(Scripture) :- Luke 1:37, KJV. " For with God nothing shall be impossible."
(The Word) :- Good morning Beloved. Hope you had a good night rest?
Doubt is one reason why many people do not receive from God. If we don't believe that we will receive when we ask, then we won't. Doubting that God can answer us is like a child saying to the father, 'Dad, I need some money. I'm not sure you're up to the task but I need some money'.
Even if the father has the money that moment, there's a huge possibility that he won't give that money out because the child doubts the ability of the father to provide that money. It's the same with God. In fact, if we don't ask in faith, we won't receive. It's our lack of faith that makes it look like there are somethings too hard for God to do.
Even the scripture says, without faith, it's impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6), and anything done outside of faith is sin (Rom. 14:23). Faith is the currency spent in the spiritual to receive from God. You give your faith, you receive from God. What you receive from God is directly proportional to the size of your faith.
But as long as you have faith, even as small as a mustard seed, you can receive from God and then you will see that this God is a God of all possibilities. He specialises in doing the impossible, changing the unchangeable and reversing the irreversible.
It doesn't matter how big that challenge is, all you have to do is believe in Him, that He can give that which you're asking from Him, then ask in faith and you will receive it. He's the God of all possibilities. However, He won't give anything to someone who isn't His child. Are you born again? #SELAH
Further Bible Study :- Mark 9:23, Mark 11:22-24.
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