Tuesday, 8 December 2015


8th December, 2015 ( Tuesday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- Proverbs 12:17, NIV. "An honest witness tells the truth, but a false witness tells lies."

(The Word) :- Good morning Kings and Priests. Hope the night was refreshing? 

According to the dictionary, honesty is the act, quality, or condition of being honest; to be truthful.  It, therefore, follows that anyone who is not honest is dishonest and speaks lies. 

Today, our generation has painted lies in different forms and have called it truths. They call them professional lies, white lies, black lies, yellow lies, business lies and so on. The unfortunate and painful part is that they have taught and taken many along with them that many now believe and live their lies.

For instance, an employee gets to the office by 8:30am and writes 8:20am in the attendance time book, that employee lied. A contractor was asked to come with quotations for a contract and he increases the prices so as to keep whatever is left for himself. That contractor lied. Or cases where people have to lie about their ages just to get some benefits or advantages. Lies!!!

A lie is a lie and the Word of God is clear. Proverbs 12:22 (KJV) tells us that lying lips are an abomination unto God. God hates lies. John 14:6 tells us that our God is called "Truth". There's no lie in Him, He is pure and therefore has nothing to do with a lie. As a matter of fact, the devil is the one who tells lies and the scripture tells us that he is the father of all liars (John.8:44).

Anyone who doesn't speak the truth about any situation is a liar and God is not happy with such. God hates lies but loves the liars. He loves the individuals but hates the sin. He is called the truth. He can remove all lies and wash the individual, making him clean and helping him to be honest in all he does. 

Have you been living a lie or telling lies? Today is another opportunity to leave your father (the devil) and come to God. He is willing and ready to forgive and make you clean, and then you'll begin to be honest in all you do. #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :- Psalm 24. 

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