Wednesday, 30 December 2015


30th December, 2015 (Wednesday) - WORDS OF LIFE


(Scripture) :- Hebrews 1:14, KJV. "Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?"

(The Word) :- Good morning ☺. Thank God for a brand new day.

Ministering spirits here refers to angels and angels are so huge and powerful that they can lift an aeroplane on a palm of their hands. Every believer has an angel that has been assigned to serve God for the sake of that believer (heir of salvation). According to Romans 8:15-17 and Hebrews 2:10, we see that only believers, those who have been genuinely regenerated and born again are referred to as 'heirs of salvation'.

As believers, our anchor scripture tells us that angels have been assigned to each of us and they minister to us in many ways (Dan.10:11). One person in the bible who enjoyed immense ministration from angels is Daniel.

Angels are responsible for carrying our prayer requests to God when we pray and wait on God for our heart desires and since God does not have any store house for prayer requests, if the person making the request has met the desired conditions, He releases the answers. These angels are also responsible for bring the answers back to us (Dan.10:12).

Angels are also responsible for fighting some battles for us. Except for times when God does the fighting Himself, He sends angels and this was the case when Angel Michael was sent to fight the prince of Persia that delayed the answers to Daniel's requests (Dan. 10:13). They (angels) are also responsible for protection. That's why in Psalm 91:11, God talks about  giving His angels charge over us to keep us, and then, in Dan. 6:22, an angel was sent to shut the mouth of the lions when he was thrown into the lions' den.

Are you a believer? Are you an heir of salvation? God has got you covered. Ministering spirits are on assignment for your sake. You are special to God. If anything unpleasant happens to you, your angel answers to God. Go out today with this mentality. #SELAH

Further Bible Study :- Daniel 6; 10:11-13.
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