Thursday, 31 December 2015


31st December, 2015 (Thursday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- Mark 11:24, KJV" Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them."

(The Word) :- Good morning Beloved. Welcome to the last day in the year 2015. 

As believers, we enjoy many benefits from God including the supply of all our needs according to his riches in glory (Phil. 4:19). However, our God is a business man. As a matter of fact, He's the first and greatest business man ever. He understands perfectly well the concept of terms and conditions. 

There are terms and conditions to every supply from God's store house and these terms and conditions are well spelt out in the Bible. For instance, the ground was cursed for the sake of man (Gen. 3:17) but to eat the good of the land, you must be willing and obedient (Isa. 1:19); to receive mercy from God, you should not just show mercy but also love mercy (Micah 6:8).

To be rich and wealthy, you must remember the Lord your God and shun idolatry (Deut. 8:18). To be whole in your body and not be sick, you must serve Him and be completely obedient (Exo.23:25; 15:26), to receive blessings beyond your imagination, you must pay your tithes (Mal. 3:8-10). Even to be saved, God understands that the person involved must be willing and ready. He won't just force Himself into the person's heart (Rev. 3:20) and so on.

Other times, when we make requests from God, particularly for a miracle that only God than do, the term and condition that applies is that we have faith, just like we see in our anchor scripture. Faith is our currency of exchange in the spirit realm. There are times when all that God needs from us is our faith for us to receive our miracles. 

As long as you understand the terms and conditions, agree to them and you meet them, God will always fulfil His part of the deal. #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :- Deuteronomy 28. 

Wednesday, 30 December 2015


30th December, 2015 (Wednesday) - WORDS OF LIFE


(Scripture) :- Hebrews 1:14, KJV. "Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?"

(The Word) :- Good morning ☺. Thank God for a brand new day.

Ministering spirits here refers to angels and angels are so huge and powerful that they can lift an aeroplane on a palm of their hands. Every believer has an angel that has been assigned to serve God for the sake of that believer (heir of salvation). According to Romans 8:15-17 and Hebrews 2:10, we see that only believers, those who have been genuinely regenerated and born again are referred to as 'heirs of salvation'.

As believers, our anchor scripture tells us that angels have been assigned to each of us and they minister to us in many ways (Dan.10:11). One person in the bible who enjoyed immense ministration from angels is Daniel.

Angels are responsible for carrying our prayer requests to God when we pray and wait on God for our heart desires and since God does not have any store house for prayer requests, if the person making the request has met the desired conditions, He releases the answers. These angels are also responsible for bring the answers back to us (Dan.10:12).

Angels are also responsible for fighting some battles for us. Except for times when God does the fighting Himself, He sends angels and this was the case when Angel Michael was sent to fight the prince of Persia that delayed the answers to Daniel's requests (Dan. 10:13). They (angels) are also responsible for protection. That's why in Psalm 91:11, God talks about  giving His angels charge over us to keep us, and then, in Dan. 6:22, an angel was sent to shut the mouth of the lions when he was thrown into the lions' den.

Are you a believer? Are you an heir of salvation? God has got you covered. Ministering spirits are on assignment for your sake. You are special to God. If anything unpleasant happens to you, your angel answers to God. Go out today with this mentality. #SELAH

Further Bible Study :- Daniel 6; 10:11-13.
BBM Channel : C0013ACBD

Tuesday, 29 December 2015


29th December, 2015 ( Tuesday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- Psalm 138:2, KJV. " I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name."

(The Word) :- Good morning ☺. Happy new day.

Jesus made the sacrifice of all time by making Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a servant, made in the likeness of men, and humbling Himself unto death for the sins of mankind and because of this, God gave Him a name above all names not just on earth and underneath the earth but also above all names in Heaven.  Therefore, everyone and everything in heaven also bows to the name of Jesus (Phil. 2:5-11). What a wonderful name that is! 

However, from our anchor scripture, we see  something really surprising. It says that God has magnified His Word above all His name. To understand this statement better, let's take a look at this: if at the name of Jesus, every knee bows, then at the mention of that name, even the devil bows. Now that the Word is magnified above the name, what happens to the devil when we speak the Word? 

This gives us an idea of the immense power in the Word. But you see, the devil is aware of this and that's he will do all it takes to keep the believer away from studying the Word and prevent them from accessing that power and authority in the Word. 

The Word is complete and there's a word in the Bible for every situation and issue of life we may be facing, whether good or not too good. 

However, the Bible in print isn't the Word spoken of here. It takes studying of the Bible in print, mixed with faith in out hearts for it to activate the power in it (Heb.3:7-19). Only after the power is activated will the mountains move and the devil flee. HIS POWERFUL WORD! #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :- Hebrews 3: 7-19. 

Monday, 28 December 2015


28th December, 2015 (Monday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- Hebrews 1:1-2a, KJV, "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son..."

(The Word) :- Good morning Beloved  ☺. Hope you had a good night? 

We, as humans, are described as pilgrims, who are not familiar with the land they are visiting but however rely on the person leading the team to show us around and take us back to our country. As believers, God is the one leading our team and we rely on Him for directions throughout our journey on earth.

Through our anchor scripture, we see that, in previous times, God spoke to His people through the prophets but since Jesus came and the Holy Spirit was given to us, He began to speak with us directly. 

That immediately tells me that I have become my own prophet. No prophet can know God's will for my life as a believer. Rom. 8:14 says, "As many as are LED BY THE SPIRIT...", so the Spirit Himself bears witness with my own spirit (Rom. 8:16) and not the spirit of another prophet. Any other prophet, however, is permitted to confirm what God has previously shown me. 

You ask why? It's because God already knew it would come to this. That a time will come when people will begin to run to prophets to help them find out God's will for their life (career, academic, marriage, etc.) and the bad news is that false prophets have gone out into the world (2 Tim. 3), so they become misguided and then run back to God to complain. 

In these last days, everyone  who wants to be successful must rely solely on God and build a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. If not, we are bound to make mistakes. He has promised divine guidance, all you need to do is play your part of the deal and see Him speaking to your ears where you should go at each and every point in time (Isa. 30:21).

If you're a believer, you're not a Bastard! You're a son (Rom. 8:15). You carry the Spirit. Create that connection with Him and BOOM! Like a rocket, you're limitless.  #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :- 2 Timothy 3

Friday, 25 December 2015



It will not be out of place if I say that almost all of us are familiar with the word ‘Xmas’, and that at the sight of it, we have no problem attributing it to Christmas, yet 'Xmas' generates different reactions based on different reasons. But will ‘Xmas’ and ‘Christmas’ be the same word with the same meaning?

I have seen and heard many Christians fighting head and tail, and correcting that Xmas should not be used because

1. It is taking Christ out of Christmas
2. It signifies – cancelation of Christmas
3. It is a non-religious version of “Christmas”
4. It is antichrist
5. It is X-rating Christmas

Some have vehemently discouraged the use of "Xmas" in the Christmas Greeting Cards while some others are of the opinion that it should not be used in official and formal writings.  Some people really find the word “Xmas” offensive.

Its use was dated back to the middle of 1500s.  Why the ‘X’?

The ‘X’ in ‘Xmas’ is actually the first Greek alphabet in Χριστός (Christos) which in English translates “Christ”.  The ‘X’ is a Greek letter alphabet ‘Chi’ (Ch) which has been used by many religious scholars for “Christ” since over 1000 years. Names like Christopher or Christine have been written as Xtopher and Xine respectively. Even the ‘mas’ in ‘Christmas’ is a shorten form of Mass which is the liturgical worship or celebration of the Eucharist.          

‘Xmas’ therefore is a shorten form of Christmas with no Christ taken out of it and with no sense of disrespect or diminishing the meaning.  ‘Christmas’ (Crīstesmæsse from the Old English) is the same as ‘Xmas’.

However, the proper and appropriate pronunciation of ‘Xmas’ is Christmas (ˈkrɪs.məs) NOT X-Mas (ˈeks.məs) because the ‘X’ is not an English alphabet instead Greek letter pronounced as ‘Chi’

When we become too sentimental, we read negative meaning to what actually connote no negativity.

Where does the word Christmas come from?

Be Blessed

Complement of the season

Thursday, 24 December 2015



Bode came back from Lagos on saturday. He passed two nights in our house. He was so surprised at how he was warmly received by my parents and siblings. He really didn't give me the full details, but I knew he gave Pastor the full gist. 

With time, my dad became a loving dad to Bode. They were always talking of each other. Bode’s 21st birthday met him in Lagos and according to him, my family marked it for him in a little way, which he really appreciated. 

He proposed to me, but I turned it down immediately. Not because I didn't have feelings for him, but because of the age difference. When I told mummy about it, her reply surprised me, 
”Go and pray about it my dear. Whatever God asks you to do, do it..but about the issue of age difference, it has no meaning.”,
“But….Ma, even if God comes down to tell me to marry him, I don't think I can. How can I marry someone I'm 4 years older than? He’s just 21 and I’m 25.”

She laughed and said,
“Is there anywhere it is written in the bible that the husband must be older than his wife? The bible only says that wives should be submissive to their own husbands, and as a result of that, we have programmed it in our minds that the only person we could be submissive to, must be someone older than us. For ur information, I’m 3 years older than my husband. If I didn't tell you now, how would you know? Go and pray my dear, and let God’s will be done”.

I prayed and didn't have any restrictions in my spirit. I told my Pastor about it and they prayed for us. My parents also agreed with the union and we got married at Ikeja Registry in December, after which we went for marriage blessings at my parents’ church. 

I had a bouncing baby boy on the 17th of January, named. Oluwadarasimi (Meaning God is good to me). I decided to stay with the Williams until I had the baby. When Bode graduated from school, my dad connected him with one of his friends who employed him in his company. With time, he became the  manager of the company, and we’ve been doing fine since then.

We celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary last december, and up till now, I’m still trusting God for another baby. Sometimes in my thought, I would imagine what would have happened if I had aborted Darasimi’s pregnancy. I would have thought I couldn’t have another child due to the abortion. I would never recover from the guilt. Also, I would have remained barren up till now, not having any child at all. I would have been a hinderance to Bode’s destiny.

Lastly, I would have attracted the wrath of God upon myself in a big way. Looking at Darasimi, who is Bode’s carbon copy, he has the gift of singing and playing instruments. He had been composing his own songs since age 5, there’s no sentence he can't bring out a song from, just say it, and he would turn it to a song. And by now,he’s becoming a Guru in playing keyboard.  

I have no doubt God will still bless me with more children, He had assured me of that, and I know He would never fail.

My brethren, please let us learn from ds story. It doesn't matter how tough what you are going through is, one day, an end shall come to it. Even, if you have missed it in life, there’s still Somebody you can turn to. He Is The Way,The Truth and The Life. He will surely show you the way out if you allow Him to lead you. Never cover your sin with another sin. If you do, you are only sitting on a timebomb, it will explode sooner than expected.

Remain blessed.




After writing his exams, Bode came home. One sunday after service, I saw Pastor Williams holding his hand and they both entered the pastor’s office. When they wouldn't come out after about one hour thirty minutes,Pastor Mrs asked that we both go home, that she would come back to the church later to pick pastor. So, we left to go and prepare lunch as the children were hungry. 

About one hour after we got home, Pastor Williams trekked home with Bode. I didn't need anybody to tell me he had been seriously scolded. He was looking like a kid whose mother didn't remember to drop the key of the cupboard where his lunch was kept before she left the house. Mummy and I were in the kitchen when they came in. Bode came to meet us there, greeted mummy, and then turnedto me,
“Please, we need to talk privately, Pastor said I should come and meet you, so we can talk and sort things out.”
I wondered why, but then I turned to mummy,
 “Am I allowed ma?”
“Of course, my dear. Go to your room”, She answered.

We both went into the room and left the door widely opened. Goodness and Mercy (Pastor’s five year old twins) ran after us to the room. I heard their mum shouting from the kitchen,
“Come here o,Mercy!, Goodness!!..Aunty Sewa will soon come and join you, don't disturb them”.

As soon as the children left, Bode said,
“Please, I’m sorry for everything I’ve put you through. Pastor has made me realise my mistake, he really spoke to me. He even asked if I’m born again. I told him I am. I only yielded to the call of the flesh. He led me to pray a prayer of forgiveness, and I believe you’ve done the same. I also believe God has forgiven us. I promise you and God, just as I’ve promised my Pastor, that such will never happen again, not with you or any other woman, except the one I eventually get married to. Please, find a place in your heart to forgive me.” 

He started shedding tears. I asked him if he wouldn't mind going to Lagos to meet my dad. He said he didn't want to go initially, but Pastor Williams told him to go, so he has decided to go. He said he would go during d week. I gave him my dad’s number and he called him right there. Daddy told him to come on thursday or friday, as he won't be in Lagos from monday to wednesday.

When he left, I told mummy everything we discussed. She said,
“Thank God he was able to realise his mistakes. Don't worry, God will surely perfect everything. Let’s just keep praying. He never fails.” Again, we prayed about Bode’s meeting with my dad, that God’s perfect will should be done. She asked if I had an idea of what my dad wanted to discuss with Bode. I said I had no idea, that my mum only told me that she has been talking to daddy everyday about my case, and that she really begged him before he could agree to come to Oyan to meet Bode’s mum. And as God would have it, they needed to attend that programme at Ikirun which was just a few kilometers to Oyan.

“Well, all shall be well”, She answered.

Finally, thursday came. Bode called me very early in the morning to inform me that he was at the park, waiting for the bus to be filled, and then he would be on his way to Lagos.

What happened in Lagos?

What did he come back with?

Watch out in the next part which shall be the last. 


24th December, 2015 (Thursday) - WORDS OF LIFE


(Scripture) :- Matthew 22:32, KJV. "I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living."

(The Word) :- Good morning. Rise and Shine. Hope you had a good night rest?

Our God is alive. He lives for ever more (Rev.1:18). He has been before the foundations of the earth were made and He will continue to exist even after heaven and earth have passed away. Death, simply put, is separation. When someone is separated from this physical world, we can say the person is dead. So is it also in the spiritual realm. When someone is separated from God, we can perfectly also say that such person is dead. That's why, Apostle Paul, in Rom.6:2 could speak of being dead in sin.

Those that are dead in sin are those who are still living in sin, who are still controlled by the nature of sin and are fulfilling it's desires while those that are living are those who are associated with the quickening Spirit (1 cor. 15:45) and the Life (John 14:6).

When Jesus said in our anchor scripture that He is the God of the living and not the dead, we see that He meant that He is only a God to those who have decided to come under His Lordship, those who have accepted Him into their lives as their Lord and Saviour. To these people, He is their God. They will call on Him and He will answer (Jer.33:3), they will seek Him and find Him (Prov.8:17), He will provide for them, bless them and grant them their heart desires (Matt.7:7, John 16:24).

If you're dead (not born again, or disconnected from Him), don't expect these things from Him. However, you can also be a partaker. The first step is to accept Him into your life as your Lord and Saviour. He will make you His own, put His life in you. You will begin to live in Him and then you will be entitled to all that comes with living a life with Jesus. #SELAH

If you realise how dead in sin you have been and you're  willing to make that decision to make that decision to turn back to God, please endeavour to reach me on:

BBM: 2B1121C2
WhatsApp: +2348169689996.

The God of the Living!

Wednesday, 23 December 2015



I was no longer active as I used to be in church. Soon, people began to suspect something was going on. Some came to ask me why I was living with the pastor’s family. Some would ask why I was no longer acting as the choir mistress. Others asked why I was putting on weight, while many others did not come to me, they would rather backbite or gossip. 

With time, my tummy was protruding. Hun!..Come and see sidetalk in church, even during service!! Thank God for Pastor Mrs, she had prepared me before everything started. Sometimes when I was so bothered and moved by what anybody did or said, I would tell her when we get home, she would encourage me and I would get over it immediately. I was discussing with her from time to time, without hiding anything. Many times, she would pray with me. She was the angel God sent to me at a time I really needed one. Then, one bright saturday morning, my mum called me,telling me that she and my dad were in Oyan, that I should describe where I was, as they wanted to see me. She said they’ve been at Ikirun (close to Oyan) since friday, to attend a programme. So, they decided to check on me before going back to Lagos that day.

Pastor Williams travelled, while mummy went to market to buy some groceries for the house. I quickly called her and told her that my parents were in Oyan, and were on the way to their house. She rushed back from the market. By the time she would enterd living room, my parents were already seated, enjoying the cool breeze blowing from the fan my dad told me to swicth on. They exchanged greetings. My parents appreciated her and her husband, and told us that he had forgiven me and that he was ready to meet Bode and his family. He asked about his parents. We told him he lost his dad of recent. He said he would like to go to their house to meet his mum. 

As much as I appreciated the fact that my dad had forgiven me, yet I didn't want him to visit Bode’s family house, as I didn't know how he would feel, seeing the old, poverty-stricken building they were living. I was left with no choice anyway, so we went there together with Pst Mrs. Bode wasn't around, he was in school. His mum was in the market, facing her business. She had come to greet me once at my pastor’s house. 

Somebody quickly ran to d market to call her, that some visitors from Lagos were waiting for her at home. She rushed home to meet us. My parents were just looking up and down the whole street and compound. They exchanged greetings, after which we went into the sitting room. Pst Mrs introduced them to each other. My dad asked about Bode and wanted to know when he would be around. His mum said she wasn't sure of when he would come home as he left not too long ago. Daddy said his mum should tell him to come and meet him in Lagos, as there’s something he wanted to discuss with him. He gave her money to send to him for transportation, gave her and her daughters money too.

We returned to pastor’s house, they ate, and left. Now, I could go to Lagos because the school was on long vacation, but I didn't want to go because of what I would encounter in the hands of Lagos people too, church people, neighbours,  family and friends. So, I told dad and mum I would prefer to stay in Oyan till schools resume in september, and they agreed.

Let’s see what happened next in part 16.

Hope you are not tired of the story.



"So, you see my dear, there's nobody without a past, but it doesn't matter how ugly your past is, a bright future awaits you if you are in Christ Jesus"..said Mrs Williams.
Now, to your situation. She continued. We must find a means by which your parents would hear about it, and then we take it up from there. Let me talk to my husband about it, as I can't handle this alone, then I’ll get back to you. When she left, I started thinking. I was so blessed and encouraged by her testimony, at least to learn that someone with such an ugly past could turn out to be a pastor with this motherly love and gesture, so amazing. 

Her words made me to develop a kind of courage and inner confidence coupled with faith that God, who made a way for her, is still there to make a way for me too. 
Again, I remembered my dad! I sighed. Next weekend, he would be marking his 60th birthday, and expected me to be there. How would I do it Lord? 

Later in the evening, Mrs Williams came to me and said,
 “I’m sorry, I had to discuss your case with my husband, it's not my usual way of handling matters, but in a situation like this, he just have to be involved. Like I told you earlier, I can’t handle it alone.”
“No problem ma”,I said.
“Now, we have decided to go with you to Lagos to attend your dad’s birthday, and thereby, use the opportunity to break the news to him and other members of the family."

I could hear my heart beating very fast, in fact, I almost fainted.
“When exactly is d birthday?” she asked.
“It’s friday ma”, I answered.
“Oh! I thought its saturday”.
“The birthday falls on friday, and he doesn't want to shift it to saturday, since there's a public holiday that friday”, I said.
“That’s beautiful then, we’ll leave on friday morning, grace the occasion with him and break the news later in the evening when all the guests have left.”

And, that was just what we did. My dad, and everybody, was shocked!.
“Adesewa temi?..No it’s a lie! How can I believe this? How come? How did it happen? Where would I hide my face in the church? among my christian friends? What will I tell my pastor? Ahhhh Yetunde! I never expecteds from you.Oh my God!!”
My mum was just weeping. My sisters and I were weeping too. Later, my dad said,
“Go with your pastor o, I don't want to see you. You’ve put me to shame. I don't want to set my eyes on you”.
We all knelt down and started begging him with tears flowing in our eyes, but he declined. He was too hurt. I knew why it was so painful for him. He was so proud of me, always treating me as his only daughter. At a time, Pastor Williams excused him to his room, where they spoke for about an hour. Pastor Mrs also took my mum to d corridor for a private talk. By the time they came back, my dad was a bit calm, but I could see he was still boiling. 

The next day, I left with the Williams to Oyan. My dad never called since then, it was only mummy that was calling me from time to time to ask about my welfare and to encourge me. I never knew she was that loving. I was staying with my pastor and his family as Mrs Williams didn't allow me to go back to my house. When we came back from Lagos, Mrs Williams said,

“Now, call Bode, tell him to come home and see you, and that you are not going to terminate the pregnancy, let’s hear what he will have to say.”

What was his response?

Watch out in part 15.


23rd December, 2015 ( Wednesday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- John 14:12, KJV. "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."

(The Word) :- Good morning Beloved. Happy new day. 

One fact is that there are no limits with God. He is absolutely limitless in mercy, love, graciousness, grace, power, resources, glory, wisdom, authority, purity and every good gift. 

Isaiah 40:28 says, "Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding." He is limitless in wisdom so much that the Bible tells us that the foolishness of God (if there's anything like such) is still wiser than the wisdom of men. The human brain will never ever be able to describe who this God is and how He operates, except through revelation by the Holy Spirit. 

1 John 3:9 tells us that if we are born of God, then God's seed is in us and if we carry God's seed, then we should also give expression to His DNA in us - to be limitless. It's possible but only through God. There are ideas that are beyond human understanding that can come from the believer, only given through inspiration from the Holy Spirit. 

Jesus said we would do greater works than He did in our anchor scripture. We can also be limitless in God. The supernatural should be the natural way of life for every believer. You are unstoppable. In God, there are no limits to your understanding and wisdom. 

There's no limit to your shining, your wisdom, your love, your mercy and your exploits. Go and begin to give expression to that seed of God in you. #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :- Psalm 119:99, I cor. 1:24-30


Tuesday, 22 December 2015



I lost my parents when I was very young and went into prostitution when I was in school, sleeping with anything in trouser just to get money and live fine. I aborted many pregnancies, and at a time I just get tired of that kind of life and decided to opt out of prostitution, but then, unknown to me, I was already carrying a pregnancy which I didn't know who was responsible for. For a reason I couldn't really explain, I decided to have the baby. I had a baby girl, named Temidara and was taking care of her alone. Since I didn't know who her father was, I gave her a surname, Omoolorun which means a child of God.

When Temi was 2 years old, I gave my life to Jesus and I was seriously enjoying my new life in Christ. About a year and half later, I met a man who proposed to me. He was born again and feared the Lord. We got married about six months later, and we had one of the best marriages in the world. Though, I didn't have a child for him, the man loved me so much despite pressures from his friends and family members to leave me and find another lady, having known my past. 

We both continued to serve God with all of our hearts, trusting Him that one day, He would shut up the mouths of our enemies and give us a child. Then, the unexpected happened. After 7 years of marriage, my husband slumped and died in church one sunday morning. He was the one that drove us to church that day, he didn't complain of having any pain earlier. 

You wouldn't like to hear what I went through in the hands of his family members afterwards. I was treated like an animal. Thank God for my pastor and church members that came to my rescue. I was not allowed to take anything out of the house, not even my own belongings. It took my pastor’s intervention before I could be allowed to take my certificates. They said I was responsible for the death of their son.

Months later, I found myself sleeping around with men who were coming to render one assistance or the other. I knew it wasn't good, but I just couldn't help myself. I prayed and prayed for God to deliver me, but the more I prayed, the more I found myself in it. People in the church were seeing me as a strong woman, but I knew I was as weak and helpless as a worm. 

Then, one day we were having a special programme in church, and a guest minister was invited. As he was ministering, he paused and said,
 “God is telling me, that there’s a woman here, who lost her husband sometime ago, and has since been sleeping with men, both married and single. You know it's not good and has been praying about it, if only you can come out now, God wants to deliver you. Everybody close your eyes”.

It took me quite some time before I could come out. Infact, it was the Holy Spirit that pushed me out. The man prayed for me, and since that day I was delivered. Some women picked quarell with me later, suspecting their husbands were among the men I was slept with. How they knew, I was the one that came out, I wouldn't know. Afterall, the pastor told everybody to close their eyes. 

About 3 months later, the same man of God that ministered to me, sent my pastor to tell me that God told him to marry me. I was surprised..
”but, doesn't he have a wife?”, I asked my pastor.
"He lost his wife last year”,He answered. 

That man of God is Pastor Williams. We got married, and exactly a year later, we had a set of twins..a boy and a girl. That was why I told you the other time, that if God could have mercy on me, He would surely have mercy on you too. 

Look at 1cor 10:13. God will always provide an escape route for you if you are His child, when you fall into the enemy’s trap, provided you ask for forgiveness and obey His leading.

Let’s see how things turn out in the next part.



I sent a message to Bode immediately Mrs Williams left my room, informing him about the pregnancy. I expected his reply throughout the night, but he didn't. The next day was sunday. I didn't feel like going to church. I was too ashamed to see anybody’s face, though no one knew about it yet, besides The Williams. I imagined what would happen when the news went viral among church members that I was carrying Bode’s baby, having denied that I was in a relationship with him earlier. 

Oh my God! How did I find myself in this mess? Then I thought of my dad. Eeeeh! My dad! He trusted me so much. I was his pride, his angel, the apple of his eyes. How would he take it? I have disappointed him and my two elder sisters. None of them had a child before marriage, even Sis. Tiwa was still trusting God for the fruit of the womb then, its only SisTemi that had a baby girl, expecting the second one. Oh!..I’ve disappointed many people. 

And Bode’s mum? Wouldn't she think I lured her son to sleep with me? Won't she see me as a cheap girl? As I thought of these things, tears was flowing freely from my eyes. Mrs Williams came to tell me to get dressed for service. I told her I wasn't feeling like going to church. She said,
“okay, it's fine. Just make sure you seek the face of God for forgiveness, mercy and the way out.”
I said thank you ma.
They left. I switched off my phone. Then I started thinking again and again, weeping and asking God for forgiveness. I also prayed for His mercy and way out, as Mrs Williams told me.

After the prayer, I switched on my phone, and almost immediately, Bode’s message came in. I read the message which went like this..
”I was devastated by your message. I think the only solution is abortion. I thought about it through out the night and that, I think, is the only way out. I’m very sorry for any inconvenience this might have caused you.”
I threw the phone on the bed and said to myself, “how I wish it was that easy.”
As a matter of fact, maybe I would have agreed with him, if this woman was not involved, but now, I just have to bear the consequences: the shame, reproach, rejection and anything that comes from it. I threw myself on the bed, covered my mouth with a pillow and screamed into it. JESUS! JESUS!!..Please have mercy on me, this is too much for me.

While doing this, I heard the Pastor’s car moving into the compound. I quickly got up, wiped my face and pretended to be fine. Soon, Pastor Mrs was in the room.
“How was your day my dear”.
“I was praying ma",
"And weeping at the same time”, She said, smiling.
I didn't answer. I showed her Bode’s message. She read it and said, “I knew it. I knew that would be his option.” Then she sat beside me on the bed, hugged me and said, 
“Listen my darling, there’s nothing new under heaven. Many people have gone through this route before, and many will still go through it. I’m sure if not for divine intervention, you could have considered abortion as Bode suggested. But sometimes we offend God while trying not to offend man. Don't use sin to cover sin. God is the Ultimate. Once He has forgiven you, it doesn't matter if anybody doesn't. Now, I will tell you the story of my own life.”

What did she say?

We’ll know in the next part.


22nd December, 2015 ( Tuesday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- 1 Peter 1:15, AMP. "But as the One Who called you is holy, you yourselves also be holy in all your conduct and manner of living."

(The Word) :- Good morning Peculiar People. Hope the night was refreshing? 

First and foremost, our God is holy. Everything about Him is holy: His throne, His acts, His Word, His abode, His clothing, and His vessels. He speaks, lives, and acts holiness. He's absolutely, completely and totally pure. That is why James 1:17 calls Him the Father of light and says that there's no shadow of turning with Him.

Everything associated with God is holy. He will never be associated with anything that's not holy (Hab.1:13). 2 Tim. 2:21 talks of purging ourselves from every form of filth before sanctification unto God can take place. The master will not use any vessel that's not pure. That's why from our anchor scripture, we see that we are commanded to be because God is holy.

Holiness is a journey and not a destination. Now, many think holiness is a particular stage or level you get to. No. Psalm 23 talks about the path of righteousness. Holiness should be an everyday thing. As we walk with God everyday, we are expected to exhibit holiness in all our conducts and manners of living. So holiness should become our culture, our way of life.

Holiness is so important that in Hebrews 12:14, the Bible tells us that without holiness, no man will see God. So holiness is a one of the criteria to seeing God and it's non-negotiable. 

So how can I be holy? Holiness, simply defined, is Total Obedience to God. Total obedience to general and specific instructions from God. The general instructions are in the Scripture but the specific instructions come every blessed day as we walk with God through the Holy Spirit. If we do not obey, we are not walking in holiness. 

Holiness should be a lifestyle. That's what God wants. A brand new day is God's way of saying, "let's try it once more." You can achieve holiness today. #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :- 2 Tim. 2:19-21, 1 Peter 1:15-16.

BBM Channel : C0013ACBD

Monday, 21 December 2015



I was a bit relieved, at least, after hearing what Mrs Williams said.
“Now, tell did it happen?.” She asked.
I told her everything I could remember without hiding anything intentionally. Whenever I said something she didn't understand, she would throw a question at me, and I would answer. 

After our discussion, she said,
“Do u know what?”
I said “No ma”.
She said “I will take you to your house now, to go and pick some of your dresses and things you’ll need for a few days afterwhich you will come with me to our place. I agreed and in less than one hour, I found myself sitting in this mall, beautiful living room of the Williams. I was taken to the visitor’s room where I put my bag. What am I going to do next now?….I had no idea.

Thank God for the way everything happened, maybe I would have thought of abortion, but now, that’s out of the way, except I wanted to offend God more. We didn't meet Pastor Williams at home when we got home. He was away to attend a meeting, I learnt. He came back around 8pm. He was surprised to see me in their house. I only greeted him, he answered me, and went straight into their room. His wife followed him immediately, I guess she was going to tell him why he saw me in their house. 

About one hour later, they both came out of the room. Pastor Williams was unusually silent, but I could read from his face he didn't like what he heard. Of course, I didn't expect him to like it. Then, Pastor Mrs came to my room after dinner and asked,
“Sis Sewa, what do you want to do now?”.
“I don't even know ma.”
“Have you informed Bode?”
“No ma. I didn't even know I was pregnant.”
“I learnt he has gone back to school. Send a message to him to inform him, let’s hear what he will say. Don't let him know I’ve known about it o”.
“Okay ma. I’ll do that.”

What was Bode’s response?.

Watch out in d next part.



She wiped her tears, came to me and said, “when last did you see your menses?”.
It was then I rememberd I saw it last in April, I’ve not seen it in May. I checked my calendar, with tears rolling down my cheeks, I said “April 11, ma”.
“And what is today’s date?.. 23rd May, you ought to have seen it before now….so, you didn't even know you’ve missed your period! Ok,let’s go to the clinic for confirmation.”

I dressed up and followed her to the clinic. A pregnancy test was done, and the result was positive. When we left the clinic, Mrs Williams drove straight to the church. We entered the office, and she locked the door behind us. We were the only ones in the church premises. She said, “Let’s pray”.
She prayed. After d prayer, I couldn't lift up my head, I was just looking down, I didn't want to look at her face, because I knew what the next question would be, and that was the last question I wanted to answer. 
Then she said,
 “Sis Sewa, now that we have confirmed that you are pregnant, can you tell me who is responsible for the pregnancy?”.
I didn't answer. I was just sobbing in tears.
“I didn't ask you to weep, I said who is responsible for the pregnancy?”

Now, I couldn't stand it any longer. I felt like throwing up, I was feeling dizzy, I was very weak. My tummy was turning up and down. I got up from where I was sitting, opposite her across that able, managed to get to where she was, leaned on her and fainted. By d time I would wake up, I saw her speaking in tongues, my dress was wet with water. She had a paper in her hands with which she was blowing air on my wet body. When I. realised what had happened, I opened my mouth and said,
“Mummy, I’m sorry for putting you through this”.
She said, “Forget about that….Are u now okay?”
“Yes ma”, I answered.
“Thank u Jesus”, She murmured.

She quickly plugged an electric kettle which was in the office, got a mug, put a teabag in it, poured hot water and added sugar. She said, “Now take this. I didn't put milk, so it doesn't nauseate you”. I collected it from her, and said “Thank you ma”. I took it, and I felt better. She allowed me to relax very well, before she continued.
“Now, tell me, who impregnated you?”.
I bowed my head again. “Tell me now!” I couldn't talk..but I must tell her now, I had no choice. Then, a thought came to my mind, ”Write it on a piece of paper”. I saw a pen on the table, took a small piece of paper also from d table, I wrote “Bode”.

I pushed it to her on the other side of the table where she sat gazing at me amazingly. I didn't know what to expect afterwards. After reading it, she shouted “Ahhhhh!  Lord Jesus!!”
She held her head with her two hands, bowed down her head for about 5minutes, without saying anything. I also bowed my head, but I was peeping at her once in a while. By the time she lifted up her head, her eyes were filled with tears. I can't imagine how disappointed she was. She looked at me, and bowed her head again. I was just weeping. After about 10 minutes, she got up from her seat, came to me, pulled me up and gave me a very warm and tight hug.

She said, “I know how you are feeling. I was once in your shoes, but hear this, though you have fallen into sin, but that is not the end of your life, nor the end of your christianity. Jesus, The Merciful Saviour is still available to cleanse you. He still loves you. All He wants you to do is to repent, ask for forgiveness and sin no more. If He could have mercy on me, He will surely have mercy on you too.” 

Watch out for the next part!!! 

Sunday, 20 December 2015



Daddy said he would be celebrating his 60th birthday on 30th of May, and would want me to come and grace the occasion with him and other members of the family. I promised to come, but after the conversation, I started praying that I would have gotten over the mood I was in before going to Lagos, because I didn't want anybody in my family to have an idea of what I was going through. The next day I had an appointment with my pastor’s wife. I decided not to go as I didn't know how to tell her what was wrong with me. Fortunately for me, she called around 2.30pm to inform me that we would have to postpone the meeting as she needed to attend to a matter urgently.  I was very happy to hear that. 

To avoid people coming to my house again, I decided to attend sunday service the following week, only to discover that Bode was absent. I didn't even ask of him as I preferred not to see him, but I overheard someone telling the pastor he had gone back to school. Immediately after the service, Mrs Williams sent an ursher to tell me she was waiting for me at the church office. When I got there, she asked me what was bothering me. I was too scared to tell her the truth, so I said,
“It’s family matters ma, my dad and mum are not in good terms, and it’s seriously affecting me….”
She said “Are u sure?”
I said “Yes ma”.
“Anyway,if that is the case, don't let that affect u. There’s no marriage without its own crises. God will be glorified in that union, it doesn't have to bother you, afterall, you know how to pray, just pray for them, and everything will be well.”

Then she paused, and looked at me,
“Sis Sewa, are you sure this is what is bothering you? I’m having a feeling you are not telling me the truth.”
That is it ma.”
“Okay. Let’s pray.”
She prayed with me,and I left. 

As I was going home, the Holy Spirit came with His rod again.
”Hunnnn! You have just told another lie!!. That’s another blunder..Go back and confess your sins.”
I refused to go back. How would I face her to tell her I told a lie, after asking me twice if I was sure I was telling the truth,and I said yes?

About a week before my dad’s birthday, I fell sick. I was throwing up, nothing stayed in my tummy, in fact, I couldn't eat, but I just treated malaria.
"why this again?", I said to myself. I became very weak. I decided not to call anybody’s attention, I was fighting it alone. Then, very early one saturday morning, Pastor Mrs came to my house. I was so surprised to see her.
“What’s wrong with you Sis Sewa?”.
“Just a bit weak ma”.
“Just a bit weak?, when did it start”.
“About a week ago ma”
She looked at me closely, and said “No, it cant be. Let me see your eye and your palm”

She checked both.

"You are pregnant!”.

“No ma, I’m not, its malaria”.
She sat on my bed, and was looking at me.
“I said you are pregnant! I knew it last sunday when I saw you, but I didn't want to be too fast. Okay, if you are not sure, let’s go to the clinic.”
“No ma, I’m not pregnant, I’m sure I’m not”.
“Now, tell me, what did you do? Did u sleep with any man?”
I didn't answer.
“Oh my God! You? Of all people! I’ve been using you to counsel sisters in church, I saw you as a role model to them….”
She burst into tears.  I started weeping too. 

To be continued in part 10. 

Be blessed and be a blessing.

Feel free to share the link to the story so others can be blessed.

Saturday, 19 December 2015



Alright, he did leave. I didn't attend choir practise on Saturday nor church service on sunday because I didn't want to see Mrs Williams. I had made up my mind not to tell her anything and I knew she would ask me if she set her eyes on me. I didn't know I was only adding more petrol to a burning fire. Some choir members came again after service to check on me, thinking I havn't recovered fully or not strong enough to attend service. Of course when I saw them, I pretended to be weak still.

Bode came later in the evening when everybody had left. 
He said, “I knew you didn't come to church today because of me, not because of your health. You have refused to forgive me despite my pleas. I told you it was the work of the devil, please let’s go back to the way we used to be. Please”.
He began to weep. I was moved with passion when I saw him weeping. I went to him, gave him a gentle pat on the back, and said,  “That’s okay.Stop crying. It wasn't just your fault, but mine too. We both need to ask God for forgiveness and make sure it doesn't happen again….”

Before I could finish my sentence, he got up, held me and began to kiss me. Every attempt to rescue myself out of his hand failed. After a while, I surrendered, and again...It happened! Before I could put myself together, Bode dressed up and ran out of my room. I started weeping. 
“Lord, I’ve done it again. I disobeyed you. I didn't yield to the voice of the Holy Spirit. What will I do now?”.
For days, I was praying and weeping, asking God for forgiveness and what to do, I didn't hear anything as I heard it earlier. It was so obvious that something was wrong with me, as I was a shadow of myself. Even my dressing changed. A 60 year old woman would dress better. 

Everybody was asking,”what’s wrong with you?
Hope there’s no problem. Are u still sick?”.
My usual answer was “No problem, all is well”..but within me, I knew nothing was well. I wasn't attending mid-week services also. I would prefer to be in my room, and be thinking. The thought that bothered me most was “Will God ever forgive me? If the first one was a mistake, what about this one?”.
Mrs Williams called me one wednesday evening after having prayer meeting in church.
”Sis Sewa, I noticed you were not in church today for the prayer meeting, how are you? Are you not okay yet?”
“I’m fine ma”.
“Then, why have you been keeping yourself away from church?”.
“Nothing ma.”
“You’ve started again."
Yeah! That reminds me, you promised to tell me something the other day, will you come and see me tomorrow after school? I will be waiting for you at the church office.”
“What time ma?”
“Let’s make it 4pm”
“Ok ma”.

She hung up. My heart began to beat very fast. I could hear the sound. What will I say? Maybe I should just cook up a story. But, what if she knows it’s all lies? Oh my God!, what mess have I gotten myself into? How will I get out of this now? 
As I was pondering over this, my phone rang. It was my dad. I picked it. 

What did he say?

We shall see in the next part. 
Thanks for reading thus far. 

Stay connected for more. 



It was Pastor Mrs. She was on her way to school that monday morning as she taught in a primary school at Oyan, but she quickly branched at my place to check on me. She came with a basket containing pepper soup, jollofrice, vegetable soup and obe ila alasepo (okro soup with stew ingredients). She said she didn't know the one I would love to eat, but I should try and take the pepper soup as it would deal with that malaria fever. She told me to warm them as I could see she brought them out of the freezer that morning, and couldn't wait to warm them before leaving the house to prevent her from getting late to school. I collected the basket from her, appreciated her and sat on my plastic chair.
“Can I drop you at the health centre for your injection?, since it's on the same route to my school”, She asked.
“I’m not ready yet ma, I will take a bike. Thank u ma”.
“It’s a pleasure my dear. So, how are u feeling now?”
“I’m better today ma”. I answered.“
"Oh!.Thank God. My mind was with you throughout the night. I really couldn't sleep soundly. I started blaming myself for allowing you to stay here all alone, I should have forced you to come with us yesterday. But, hope you slept well, and….” 

I switched off!..I was hearing in my spirit, “Open up to her!.Open up to her!!”.
Then I heard another voice contrary to that one saying “Don't try it! You’ll disappoint her. You can see how she loves and cares for you, she’ll withdraw the gesture..What if….”

Suddenly, I felt Pastor Mrs’ hand on my shoulder. She tapped me and said “Are u okay? I’ve called you twice, but you didn't respond. What is bothering you? What are u thinking of? Feel free to share it with me, I’m a mother..”
Before she could finish her sentence, I cut in,
 “Nothing ma”.
“Hunhun! Don't tell me there’s nothing when obviously there’s something. That’s a lie, and I don't expect you as a child of God to tell one, if you don't want to share it, just say you don't want to share it, instead of saying there’s nothing when there’s something.”

I was dumb founded. I didn't know when I said, “Okay ma, I will tell you later”.
“That’s better my dear. See you later then. Hurry up so you can go for your injection on time. Make sure you eat before you go.” She said.
“Okay ma. Thanks Mum.”
She left.  I got to the health centre that morning and saw a choir member. She was surprised to see me, and also to hear that I didn't attend the burial of Bode’s dad. When she asked “why?”, I told her I was sick, but didn't tell her beyond that.

As I was getting back home, I met Bode coming out of the corpers’ quarters. I was a bit shy to look at his face, remembering what happened between us. I was no longer free with him. I wish I didn't see him. He gave me souvenirs of his dad’s burial, and said his mum sent her greetings, and that she promised to come and visit me as soon as she could go out. I took those things from him and thanked him. Then he said,
 “Sis Sewa, I’m indeed very sorry for what happened last week. It was the devil. Please forgive me.”
He wanted to hold my hand, but I didn't allow him. 
I said “Its fine!, Its fine! Just go.”
Then what happened next?  Did he go? 

Watch out in Part 8. 

Stay connected.


19th December, 2015 ( Saturday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- Romans 2:1, KJV. "Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things."

(The Word) :- Good morning ☺. Hope you enjoyed the night?

One important attribute of our God is that He's very merciful. He's so patient and merciful to the extent that sometimes, we ask why evil people are still alive and good people die. We ask why judgement will not just come upon a particular set of people immediately they misbehave. 

Many, including believers, are quick to judge those who commit the sins and are caught. They are the first to suggest that the offenders are punished with immediate effect and they forget that even they themselves are guilty of the same offences except that they have not yet been caught. 

To God, sin is sin and the wages of sin is death (Rom.6:23) whether the sin is done in the secret or in the open. If God were to punish sinners and bring judgement on offenders, then, many believers will also fall victims because they are guilty of the same sin that God is rewarding. 

Romans 2:3 tells us that God will not punish others and spare us when we are guilty of the same sin. He is not partial. He is no respecter of persons. If you commit any of these sins, and do not confess but decide to keep it hidden, the day God decides to reward sin, you will be affected. 

The truth is that sin will always be rewarded (Rom.2:12). However, we can be excused from judgement through the grace that comes through Christ Jesus and His sacrifice on the Cross. After accepting the sacrifice and we begin to live holy, only then, can we be excused from judgement. 

Further Bible Study :- John 8:1-11, Heb. 12:14, Rom. 2:1-16

Friday, 18 December 2015



After the  action, Bode started begging me. I could see he actually regretted it, but the deed had been done already. I told him to go, I just didn't want to see him. He left. I locked the door behind him and started weeping. I wept till my eyeballs turned red and my head began to ache. I was confused, I didn't know what to do, I was just weeping. I couldn't even pray, I never thought I could do such a thing, I thought I was strong enough to stand. Oh my God!…How wrong I was! The next day was friday, I couldn't go to school. I had headache, so I called my HOD to inform her I would be absent. She promised to tell the Principal and wished me quick recovery. 

I couldn't attend the burial and singing practise on saturday, I just locked myself up in my room and was weeping from time to time. On sunday, I was unusually absent from church. Some choir members came to check on me after service. They met me under my blanket, shivering. Now I had developed emergency fever. One of them quickly called Pastor Williams who rushed down to my place with his wife. They took me to the health centre. I was treated against malaria, given some drugs and injecion, and was told to come on monday and tuesday to complete the injection. The Williams brought me back home and asked if I wouldn't mind going with them to their place, so I wouldn't be the only one at home, I said no, that I would be fine. So, they left after praying for me. 

I slept off and woke up late in the night. Now I felt like eating something. I looked at my phone, it was 11.17pm. I got up, ate bread with fruit juice and went back to bed. I couldn't sleep. I was turning from right to left, left to right on the bed. 
Again, I remembered “Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall” 1 Cor 10:12. I started weeping again. I thought I was standing, now I have fallen. I so much trusted myself, I was so careless. I opened my mouth and began to pray, “Lord Jesus, I have disappointed you, please forgive me, have mercy on me. I am sorry. Now I know better. Help me Lord. Forgive me Lord. Have mercy on me….” 

I didn't even know when I slept off. When I woke up, I knew I had a dream in which I saw Pastor Mrs Williams talking to me, but I couldn't remember a single word out of everything she said. As I was trying to recollect what she was telling me in the dream, I heard a gentle voice in my spirit,
“Go and open up to her"
How on earth would I be able to do that?
I can't Lord!, I can't!” 
I didn't hear the voice again, at least at that moment.

The next thing I heard was a knock on my door.
Who is that? 
I spoke softly. I didn't hear any response from the other end. I moved to the door, unlocked it and opened. Guess who was standing there. 

To be continued in Part 7.

Thanks for your patience and understanding. 

Remain blessed.



It was Bode that woke me up the following morning. He told me his dad’s burial had been fixed for the next weekend, and there wass no money. He told me how his dad’s family members started blaming his mum for not giving them adequate information about his dad’s illness before the old man eventually passed away. All these stories made me love the woman more. At last, he decided to go. I saw him off to the door, and he suddenly turned back, hugged me and gave me a peck. 

I came back to the room, and started thinking of how I could help Bode and his mum concerning the burial. The only source I had was my dad, but I wasn't sure he would even send money again this month ending as I was having a feeling he sent the last one because of my birthday. But then, I wouldn't be able to wait till the end of the month, to know if he would send money or not, as the burial was fixed for 29th April. So, then what can i do oooo?.

“Oh Yes!..I have an idea. I will call my dad that I need money. But what if he asks what I need it for, what will I say?..
I will tell him somebody is sick and that the doctor said he needs surgery, but there’s no money, so, I wish I could render any little assistance within my reach…Can you be of help sir?”.
That was exactly what I did.
He said “Who is this sick person?”.
“It’s one of d corpers sir”. I lied.
“Ok. Since it’s something that has to do with life, I will try and send any amount I can between now and tomorrow. My regards to him. We’ll remember him in our prayers”.
“Thank you dad. Love u sir.” I hung up.
Then, my conscience pricked me gently “U just told a lie!..
How disappointed would your dad be if he found out!.”
I felt bad, but I quickly consoled myself by a thought,“what could I have done?
 How would he know? Who will tell him?. He won't find out!.”
Almost immediately, I was relieved. I expected an alert from the bank throughout that day, to no avail, the following day too, no alert, but on the third day, I received an alert of #50,000.

Wow! I quickly called Bode after withdrawing the money, to come and meet me at home after school hours, by then, it was just 2 days to the burial, 27th April. When he got to my room, I said “how much have you been able to get now for the burial?”
He said 'nothing'..that his mum’s sister who promised to send an amount of money last week failed, but just received a message from her that morning that she would see what she can do by tomorrow. 
I opened my bag and gave him the #50,000 my dad sent. He opened his mouth and couldn't shut it. He held me very tightly, kissed me...and before we both knew, we did it! 

To be continued in part 6.

You shall not fall in Jesus name.


18th December, 2015 ( Friday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- Hosea 4:6, KJV. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge"

(The Word) :- Good morning Beloved of God. Hope you slept well? 

Knowledge is the fact of acquiring information or being familiar about something or someone. The opposite of knowledge is ignorance and ignorance kills. If you don't know, you don't know and you can't make use of the information you don't have. Someone said that the difference between the rich and the poor is not money but information.

Unfortunately, it's so bad that many are not willing to acquire information and learn more, so much that, someone said concerning the black race that if you want to hide something from the black man, put it in a book.

Jesus could overcome the tantrums and wiles of the devil in the wilderness only because He had the Word in Him. He was always replying the devil with "It is written" and this could only be said when you have actually read what is written.

The devil is not afraid of our grammar, relationship with God, the fire we carry, or the miracles, signs and wonders that God uses us to perform. The devil will always come like a roaring lion and until we attack him with the Word, we will never find out that he's just a mice with a microphone, and we will continue to be scared. Eph.6 speaks of the Word as the sword of the spirit. 

Until you know, you don't know. Pick up a book today and begin to read - motivational, spiritual books and the Bible. The moment a man stops learning, he begins to die. We speak a lot about Daniel and how he had an excellent spirit. Daniel said in Daniel 9:2, "I understood by books." We, therefore, have no excuse. #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :- 2 Timothy 2 : 15

Thursday, 17 December 2015



Then something happened. Bode lost his dad. It was then I got to know that the old man had more than one wife. As a matter of fact, he had four. One was late already, and Bode’s mum was the last and the only one living with him until he passed away. Among the children from the other wives, only few of them were educated, others were either bricklayers, drivers, carpenters, tailors or petty traders. It was only Bode’s mum that was struggling to send her children to school. She had three of them for the late farmer. Bode was the first born with two kid sisters who were still in high school. The one next to him was preparing to write WAEC when their dad passed away. It was announced in the church and we (choir members) decided to go and register our condolences with Bode and other members of the family.
On getting there, I was so touched by the way I saw the widows sitting down on a mat, wearing black attires with bowls before each of them where people who came to sympathise with them put money. I said within me “if this kind of a thing should happen in my lifetime, I will NEVER allow my mum to be treated this way. This is humiliation in the highest order..Did these women conspire to kill the man?” Well, we greeted them. I didn't even know what to say, as i never experienced such before. As the leader, I summoned courage, knelt down beside Bode’s mum and whispered into her ear “God will uphold you ma. He will send help to you from where you least expected. Please, be strong”. 
She said “Thanks my child. I really appreciate you”. I gave her an amount of money on behalf of the choir. She accepted it, appreciated us, and we left. When I got home, I couldn't stop thinking about the woman. Oh!.She was so young. Why did she marry a polygamist?, a man old enough to be her father? There must be a reason. Whatever the reason may be, I felt for her. She’s such a beautiful young woman! Never! I can never go for that kind of a man, I will never allow any stupid love to blind-fold me. I can not even marry anybody from that kind of a family, see their house, the moment I stepped into the compound, I could vividly smell poverty. Where would I tell my dad I found that kind of a man? Me? I even trust myself. I’m more than that. Then my mind went to what Pastor Mrs Williams told me the day she said she heard a rumour about Bode and I. 
1Cor 10:12…..wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth takeheed lest he fall.
Fall? Fall for where? Falling is only meant for those who don't stand well. Me, I can't fall, I trust myself. I’ve been keeping myself since and I will continue to keep myself. I'm determined that no man shall see my nakedness except my husband, and that won't happen until after marriage. That is it!
While talking to myself in this manner, I slept off. Then something came up. 

Watch out for part 5. 

Stay connected.



Daddy did not give me money that day. He was so crossed with me, it was mummy that gave me transport fare and a stipend which I managed till January allowance was paid. Thank God for the foodstuffs I took with me from home, I would have learnt a wonderful lesson from “Mr Hunger”. On getting back to Oyan, Bode was still around because there was no money for him to return to school. I told him what I went through because of him, and even then, I wasn't sure if my dad would send me money again as usual, so i couldn't give him money. He felt sorry for me, and told me he would source for money elsewhere. I didn't know how he did it, but he went back to school the following week. Soon, there was a rumour among the choir members that something was going on between Bode and I. Before I knew it, it became viral among church members. One sunday morning, Pastor Mrs Williams sent somebody to tell me she would like to see me after service. I wasn't myself throughout the service. I kept thinking “what did I do? why does she want to see me?….Anyway, I said to myself, if it’s because of Bode, there’s nothing between us, and that is just what I will tell her….Period!.” I didn't hear anything in church that day, I was already devastated by the rumour going on, and this?….Finally, the service was over. I found myself sitting next to Pastor Mrs Williams on a three seater sofa inside d pastor’s office. 
Good afternoon ma. 
How are u my dear?
I’m fine ma.
“I know u would be wondering why I wanted to see u..said Mrs Williams”.
“Yes ma” I answered.
She continued….It’s about a rumour going on in the church. Can you please shed more light on the relationship between you and Bode?.
“Ma, Bode is like a younger brother to me, nothing more. Believe me ma. I only render assistance to him whenever he’s in need, and that has even stopped now.” I told her. Anyway, I’ve denied it on ur behalf, I only wanted to confirm from you, because the very first day I set my eyes on you, I knew you came from a christian home, and I have no doubt in my spirit that you are well trained..but then, I want you to be very careful because there is power in tongues. Don't give the devil any chance at all, and dont trust yourself..if you see or hear a child of God saying “I trust myself, I can never commit fornication”..then, you have heard or seen someone at the verge of falling. Remember 1 Cor 10:12. So, please, be very careful and the Lord shall help you in Jesus name. I said “Thank you ma”, and left the office. As I was going home, I was telling myself  “Now, I really need to be very careful….though there was nothing between us really, but how could anybody think I could be dating a boy about the same age with Oyindamola..our second to the lastborn?, not even the one next to me!..Well, I just need to be careful, help me Oh Lord!”. 
So, what happened next?

Watch out for part 4.

Remain blessed.