Monday, 30 November 2015


30th November, 2015 (Monday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- I Thessalonians 1:8, AMP. ":For not only has the Word concerning and from the Lord resounded forth from you unmistakably in Macedonia and Achaia, but everywhere the report has gone forth of your faith in God [of your leaning of your whole personality on Him in complete trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness]. So we [find that we] never need to tell people anything [further about it]."

(The Word) :- Good morning ☺. Welcome to the last day in the penultimate month of the year. 

There are difficulties today in evangelism. One of the reasons for these difficulties is that those who are evangelising do not really know what it means for God to save someone from sin (Matt.1:21). So, those who are preaching the Word, actually themselves, need the salvation message. 

Evangelism is taking an invitation to a lost soul to come, see and experience the saving power of God. Another word synonymous to 'evangelism' is 'witnessing'. A witness is someone who testifies to the occurrence or non-occurrence of an event.  You can't tell anyone about someone you don't know. You must have met the person before you can talk about him/her to someone else. You can evangelise effectively until you, yourself, have had an encounter with Christ. 

Up until early this year, I used to evangelise with routinized  words I would have arranged and rehearsed in my head and it didn't produce must fruit. Then, I wanted to evangelise in a bus while I was on a journey, I prayed a little, and the Holy Spirit instructed me to talk about my encounter with the saving power of God and to the glory of God, it produced results. 

Apart from witnessing or testifying which involves speech, there's a better level of witnessing. This is the level where people see the change in your life themselves and they come to ask for the secret, then you introduce them to your God. This level is better because you don't have to say anything and the goodnews of the gospel travels farther than you may have done as we read in our anchor scripture. 

Even the unbeliever is attracted to a life that lives like Christ. When we live this way, it's a proof that we ourselves are saved and a tool of witnessing to others. You have NO excuse not to win any soul into God's kingdom before the year runs out. #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :- Acts 13, I Thessalonians 1. 

Sunday, 29 November 2015


This is not one of those broadcast messages without an origin. It's a true story and it's mine! 

So it happened on the 27th of November, 2015, in a dream, that I was taken to a room where the devil was having a meeting with his demons. They were discussing that they are a step closer to erasing and wiping out the human race.
They said all that was left was to find out the secret to their prayer life and study of the Word of God and that the moment they do that, they would take steps to destroy them all.

In fact, I could see that they had already taking a captive. Someone was already under their bondage but unfortunately, I couldn't recognise the individual. The moment the devil said they would take steps to destroy all of human race, I came out of hiding and confronted him saying that "it's not possible, we have a God who's stronger than him"

He then picked up a bible, showed it to me and said "isn't this the secret?" So we got into an argument and I replied, "This Bible in your hand is more than just black and white, it's the Word of God and it's powerful and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, bone and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart " (Hebrews 4:12). 

It was after I replied him that he went quiet and I woke up shivering. 

The devil is after two things in this our generation and he's taking it serious: our Prayer life and our study of the Word. And if we look at it critically, he's succeeding in some lives.

Ask yourself a question: in the last 24 hours, have you studied the Word of God for just 30 minutes and have u stayed in the place of prayer just for 30minutes? If you haven't, the truth is that the devil is actually gaining grounds. 

We have to take these things serious. The devil now knows that these are the secrets and he will do ALL it takes to make sure he cuts us from studying the Word and Praying. He will always give you that excuse, "there's no time" (i'm guessing that was your excuse also). He's the one who will preoccupy with many things so much that we neglect these things we're talking about. 

God is doing something in this our generation. Smith Wigglesworth said many years ago "a generation is coming where the exploits they will do will combine all of ours and beat it." This is that generation, the devil can see it and he's trying to cut many from fulfilling destiny, either with day-to-day activities, addictions, or secret sins and so on.

From now on, please let's make it a point of duty to spend at least 30 minutes studying the Word of God and 30 minutes in the place of prayer (you can refer to my post on supernatural praying: )

E.M Bounds said "Satan trembles when he sees the weakest believer go on his knees to pray." According to that dream, some have already been captured by the devil but we must be sober and vigilant (I Peter 5:8). The devil is not resting, we can't afford to.

God has been gracious enough to reveal the plans of the devil and his cohorts. It now lies in our hands whether we act on them or not. However, my sincere prayer for everyone reading this is that none of us will fall into the trap of the devil. None of us will fall or fail, we will not miss it and on that last day, none of us will be found wanting.

Please, share this message unedited to others and let's spread the word so that, others can be blessed, and collectively we can all act right so that the devil loses the battle over our lives. 

Saturday, 28 November 2015


28th November, 2015 ( Saturday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- Luke 18:1, AMP. "Also [Jesus] told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not to turn coward (faint, lose heart, and give up)"

(The Word) :- Good morning Your Excellency. Hope the night was refreshing? 

Another fruit of the supernatural that believers should also enjoy is supernatural praying and unfortunately many believers are not enjoying it today.  Youths nowadays can't pray beyond 15minutes. We suddenly find out that after some time, we're tired and we leave. 

Praying goes beyond uploading our prayer requests to God. It goes beyond a routine. It goes beyond vain repetitions and complaints. Prayer should be a lifestyle. It should be an all-the-time kind of thing. Like Jesus said in our anchor scripture, we should always pray and not faint. It should be a communication with God. A two-way type and not one-way type. 

How would you feel when someone walks up to you, asks for a bunch of things, doesn't wait for your reply and then walks away. That's exactly what we do when we just come to God, upload all our prayer requests and walk out on Him. We should tarry in His presence for what He has to say to us. God will always speak if we're patient enough to wait and listen to what He has to say. 

We can all get to that point of supernatural praying where we pray and things begin to happen. Paul and Silas prayed this kind of prayer and there was an earthquake; Jesus prayed this way and the heavens were opened; the Church prayed and Peter was delivered; Elijah prayed and fire came down, and so on.

We all can also get there. However, we must be ready to spend time in the place of prayer, giving God quality time and not giving God leftover of our time, not give up or lose heart if we pray and we don't see the answers immediately and to actually communicate with Him (speak to Him and wait for His reply). Through this, we develop our relationship with God and when we pray, things will happen. #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :- Acts 16:25-34, I Kings 18.

Friday, 27 November 2015


27th November, 2015 ( Friday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- I Kings 17:6, KJV. "And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook."

(The Word) :- Good morning Your Royal Eminence. Hope you had a good night?

As we walk with God and move into the realm of the supernatural, we enjoy the things of the supernatural: guidance, deliverance and also provision. We, as believers, are also qualified and entitled to supernatural provision. The Word of God is filled with promises of supernatural provisions and there are many instances where prophets or people of old enjoyed supernatural provisions. 

Prophet Elijah was a very big definition of supernatural provisions. Our anchor scripture shows this to us, where God sent ravens to bring him food (I kings 17:4-6). That, for sure was supernatural provision. There are other instances of supernatural provisions in the Bible like: provision of Manna for the Israelites, supernatural catching of fish for peter, clearing of all debt for a widow, paying of tax through money from the mouth of a fish, and then, my story is not too far down the line. 

You see, it's not the will of God that all provision for our needs as believers, should come through natural means. If so, then what distinguishes the believer from the unbeliever? There are provisions that should  only be divine; where no natural laws can give any explanation; where it happens and we know for sure that it was just God. 

Have you ever been in a situation of having nothing and desperately needing a lot? And then not long after that, mysteriously, you suddenly find that you now have a lot. Well, again, I've been in that situation a little more than once. We can all also enjoy supernatural provisions, if only we can comply with the instructions that come with it: Be on His side (be born again), exercise supernatural obedience and faith, confess your supernatural provision, and give sacrificially.

As long as we meet all these conditions, we will continue to enjoy supernatural provisions, where after it happens, you will, beyond all reasonable doubts say, 'that was the finger of God.' #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :- I kings 17:1-7, Exodus 16:4-6, 2 kings 4:1-7, Luke 5:1-9, Matt. 17:24-27. 

Thursday, 26 November 2015


26th November, 2015 ( Thursday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- Acts 12:11, AMP. Then Peter came to himself and said, Now I really know and am sure that the Lord has sent His angel and delivered me from the hand of Herod and from all that the Jewish people were expecting [to do to me]."

(The Word) :- Good morning ☺. Trust the night was great. 

One of the many benefits of the supernatural that believers enjoy in Christ is deliverance from evil. 

The psalmist said in Psalm 23:4 that "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." It's one thing for believers to bring trouble upon themselves ( more about this at: ) 
and it's another thing for the devil to bring trouble to the believer. However, in both cases, God says, 'call upon me in the days of trouble and I will deliver you.' (Psalm 50:15). 

God will never let His holy one see corruption (Psalm 16:10). This gives us the assurance that as long as we remain on His side as obedient children, it doesn't matter the size, height, weight, length, depth and width of trouble the devil brings, He will always deliver us. 

Have you ever narrowly escaped death and all you could do was just burst into tears or go on your knees to praise God, or just look up and say, 'God I know that was You and You alone.' Well, I am a living testimony. I've been in such situations a little more than once. That's to show that as long as we take Him serious, He's committed to delivering us from all wiles of the devil.

In our anchor scripture, God sent an angel to deliver Peter from the prison. The deliverance was beyond what any man could explain, that when Peter came to himself, He said he was sure, beyond all reasonable doubts, that God sent an angel to deliver him from the hand of Herod. That's supernatural deliverance. 

Every genuine child of God is qualified for supernatural deliverance. All you need to do is call on Him and He will answer you. That's for sure. If He doesn't answer you, it's probably because you're not His. Check your stand with Him. Be regenerated, live righteously and call upon Him, He will surely deliver you. #SELAH 

Wednesday, 25 November 2015


The hymn was inspired by Reverend Dudley A. Tyng (1825-1858) who was a dynamic preacher known for taking his strong stands against evil, no matter what the cost and airing his opinions. He preached a sermon regarding the evils of slavery in America. This sermon is still recognised today though it resulted in him being removed from one of his pastorates.

On Tuesday, March 30, 1858, Tyng preached a sermon on Exodus 10:11, “Go now ye that are men and serve the Lord”, at a YMCA noon mass meeting. Tyng delivered his message to 5,000 men that day. More than 1,000 of those men responded to the altar call, to receive Jesus as their Savior. Just over a week later, Tyng lay dying as a result of a tragic accident. His final statement, whispered to friends and family, was “Let us all stand up for Jesus.”

The Sunday following Tyng's death, Presbyterian Pastor George Duffield (1818-1888) preached a sermon on Ephesians 6:14, as a tribute to the final words of his friend Tyng. He concluded his sermon with a six-stanza poem. Duffield's Sunday School superintendant printed copies of the poem and distributed them to all the congregation. 

One of the pamphlets fell into the hands of the editor of a Baptist periodical. The editor was so impressed with the verses that he printed them in his widely read publication. The poem Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus, has since become one of the most recognized hymns in all English-speaking Christendom.

Several melodies have been written for Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus. The one used in most hymnals today was written by George J. Webb (1803-1907), founder of the Boston Academy of Music.

Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus

Stand up, stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross;
Lift high His royal banner, it must not suffer loss.
From victory unto victory His army shall He lead,
Till every foe is vanquished, and Christ is Lord indeed.

Stand up, stand up for Jesus, the solemn watchword hear;
If while ye sleep He suffers, away with shame and fear;
Where'er ye meet with evil, within you or without,
Charge for the God of battles, and put the foe to rout.

Stand up, stand up for Jesus, the trumpet call obey;
Forth to the mighty conflict, in this His glorious day.
Ye that are brave now serve Him against unnumbered foes;
Let courage rise with danger, and strength to strength oppose.

Stand up, stand up for Jesus, stand in His strength alone;
The arm of flesh will fail you, ye dare not trust your own.
Put on the Gospel armor, each piece put on with prayer;
Where duty calls or danger, be never wanting there.

Stand up, stand up for Jesus, each soldier to his post,
Close up the broken column, and shout through all the host:
Make good the loss so heavy, in those that still remain,
And prove to all around you that death itself is gain.

Stand up, stand up for Jesus, the strife will not be long;
This day the noise of battle, the next the victor's song.
To him who overcometh a crown of life shall be;
They with the King of Glory shall reign eternally.

Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness.” ( Ephesians 6:14) 


25th November, 2015 ( Wednesday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- Isaiah 30:21, AMP. "And your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way; walk in it, when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left."

(The Word) :- Good morning Your Royal Highness. Hope the night was refreshing? 

As believers, we are entitled to a lot of things that our God gives. We become citizens of a supernatural environment (Heaven), Phil 3:20 and we become adopted as sons and heirs of God (Rom. 8:16-17), hence, we begin to receive all the supernatural things that God gives, one of which is supernatural guidance.

One of the many advantages believers have over unbelievers is that they are guided supernaturally. Our anchor scripture tells us that a voice will speak into ours ears showing us the way and asking us to work in it. So believers are supernaturally guided. There's no confusion about the believer (John 8:12). He knows what step to take at every point in time.

Have u ever felt that something inside you tells you to wear a particular shirt, not board a particular bus, take a different route from work, read because there will be a test, and so on? That's the voice on the inside guiding us and that voice is the Holy Spirit. Anyone who has an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit and obeys the voice of the Holy Spirit will never lack supernatural guidance but disobedience to the voice of the Holy Spirit is what leads to us making mistakes, then we come back and say "...and one thing told me not to do that or go there." 

The Holy Spirit is a gentle man and will not force His will or instructions on you so you must be ready to listen and obey. If we don't take time to tarry in the place of prayer, we may not receive the instructions or not be spiritually sensitive enough to know when the instructions come but when you build your relationship with the Holy Spirit, He guides you every step of the way. 

It's God's will for us to be guided. The prophets of old enjoyed it, the apostles enjoyed it, we can also enjoy it but we must build our relationship with the Holy Spirit and be ready to obey Him. You can start by asking Him what to wear this morning. You'd be surprised He is interested. Go ahead and walk in supernatural guidance. #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :- Acts 8, Exodus 14

Tuesday, 24 November 2015


24th November, 2015 ( Tuesday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- Genesis 16:3, ESV. "So, after Abram had lived ten years in the land of Canaan, Sarai, Abram's wife, took Hagar the Egyptian, her servant, and gave her to Abram her husband as a wife."

(The Word) :- Good morning Your Royal Eminence. Hope you had a good night rest? 

God has a plan for your life. He has an already mapped out destiny for every child of His (Jer. 29:11). His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts (Isa.55:8), He is the sovereign God, the Alpha and the Omega, Beginning and the End, the Almighty. He knows all things and we can't pretend to know what He thinks except He reveals it to us. Hence, we will never know the plan of God for our life except He reveals it to us. 

One mistake we, humans, make is that we use our small brains to think about how God will do the things He has promised us, instead of just trusting Him. This plan of God for us, many times, does not go the way we think it should and this is the point where we begin to welcome the idea of helping God. We say, destiny isn't supposed to take me through this path of loneliness and pain, so we start thinking of helping God to bring our destiny to the right track, not knowing we are taking our destinies the wrong track. 

God promised Abram that He will be a father of many nations and that He will have a child. After dwelling 10 years in Canaan, He hadn't seen any signs of the child and circumstances were not telling Him anything of such will happen. So His wife thought, "since God has promised a child but didn't not say through whom it will come, maybe it's meant to come through my maid", and that decision birthed Ismael. 

There's no way we can help God fulfil our destinies. He knows what He's doing and anytime we try to help Him, 99.9% of those times, we are using our own hands to destroy our destinies. Don't say, 'God must be expecting me to help myself in this situation'. The way out is total trust in God and an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. No man can know the mind of God except the Spirit reveals it (I cor. 2:10).

Anytime you try to give God a helping hand concerning your destiny, you're moving your destiny from the right to the wrong track. He's the sovereign God and doesn't need to be helped. Just trust Him. #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :- I Samuel 13, John 18:10-11. 

Monday, 23 November 2015


23rd November, 2015 ( Monday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- I Samuel 15:28, KJV. And Samuel said unto him, The Lord hath rent the kingdom of Israel from thee this day, and hath given it to a neighbour of thine, that is better than thou."

(The Word) :- Good morning Beloved of God. Hope u woke up strong? 

We are all blessed of the Lord and have received one responsibility of the other in His vineyard. No one is useless to Him. While we work for Him, He also blesses us; so as a result, we grow bigger and get better, richer and so on. God is committed to His children who are committed to Him. Wherever you are now, whatever position you occupy and whatever responsibility it is that God has given you, they're all and nothing but the blessings of the Lord. 

However, once in a while, many of us allow the position, honour and riches that come with the responsibility that God has given us get into our heads so quickly that we forget where God picked us from and we begin to think we're the best person for the assignment. Pride! God hates pride. And anytime anyone begins to think such, God will make him realize that He has atleast 7,000 substitutes (I Kings 19:18). 

The fact with substitution is that the substitutes are always better. That's why it will be very wrong to think you're the best person for that assignment. There are countless people out there who are better at what you're doing presently. Hence, we should be humble and always give God the glory wherever we find ourselves. God will not tolerate pride and won't share His glory with any man. 

Now, when God wants to substitute a person who's in position of authority and put His child there, He can allow that person make a necessary mistake. It happened with Esther. Queen Vashti just had to make the mistake that led to the enthronement of Esther as the queen. It was a necessary mistake. From our anchor scripture too, we see that Saul misbehaved and apologised, but because that necessary mistake had to be made for David to be crowned kind, there was no remedy. 

I pray for you this morning that every necessary mistake, your enemies, or those occupying positions meant for you, need to make, for you to be enthroned or promoted, they will begin to make such mistakes in Jesus name. God bless you and have a splendid week ahead. Don't forget to talk to someone about Jesus today! #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :-  I Samuel 15-16, Esther 1-2. 

Saturday, 21 November 2015


21st November, 2015 ( Saturday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- Hebrews 13:21, NIV. "equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen."

(The Word) :- Good morning ☺. Hope you slept good? 

Events of the past are enough to define where you are right now. Background also has a say, no matter how small, in the present condition of a man. Circumstances or situations can also be a major determining factor to the present state of a man and so on. But, this morning, I have good news for you, that you're yet to happen.

Those past and present conditions are enough to discourage any man but don't be discouraged because all things are working together for your good (Rom.8:28). Scripture says that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us (Rom.8:18). There's that glory that's on the way and we have to be careful that the devil does not succeed in using discouragement on the grounds of our present condition to take us out of the realisation of that glory.

David was seen as an outcast. He was abandoned to be in the bush with the animals for years. I suspect he must have been thinking of discouragement but he didn't. He took advantage of his situation to learn some fighting and music skills that eventually launched him into his destiny and that glory.

Your present situation is supposed to deliver something to you that will help launch you into destiny. If you continue complaining, you might not see it. But when you go with God through the situation, it will be successful and in the end that glory will be revealed through you. You will then loook back and see that  it was all worth it. 

Don't be discouraged. God is not giving up, you shouldn't either. It'll soon be over. The world is yet to hear you. God is working on your success story. You are the solution the world is waiting for. You are yet to happen! #SELAH

Further Bible Study :- I Samuel 16-17 

Friday, 20 November 2015


20th November, 2015 ( Friday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- 1 Corinthians 4:7, AMP. "For who separates you from the others [as a faction leader]? [Who makes you superior and sets you apart from another, giving you the preeminence?] "

(The Word) :- Good morning Beloved. Hope you slept well? 

Someone asked what makes the difference between the believer and the unbeliever. Did I hear you say "that's very obvious?" Probably based on the fact that many of them are successful and wealthy.

It looks like humanly speaking, it pays to be an unbeliever than a believer because you can take shortcuts and get you heart desires. There are several ways to be rich and successful in the world we live in, but that would mean going out of God's grace and boundaries. But what do I stand to gain by being a believer?

What is that thing that separates the believer from the unbeliever? Worldly measurement of success isn't peculiar to just believers. That is, unbelievers are also very rich, many unbelievers also graduate with first class and so on. So it would be wrong to judge success on those qualities.

The presence of God is what separates the believer from the unbeliever. When anyone carries the presence of God, others follow. It's God that gives the power to get wealth. The scripture tells us that money has wings and can fly away and that there will be a shift of riches from the ungodly to the children of God. One who carries the presence of God is blessed of God and the Bible says the blessings of the Lord maketh rich and addeth no sorrows. Wealth by any other means than the blessings of God comes with sorrow.

It was the presence of God that differentiated David from his brothers and also Daniel and his friends from other people in Babylon at the time. The presence of God should be our pursuit. When you carry the presence of God, every other thing follows. 

In the presence of God, there's fullness of joy, sound health, wealth, good success and so on. Crave for the presence of God. #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :- Exodus 33

Thursday, 19 November 2015



Matthew 6:25-34

Worry is torture. It can suck the life out of clear thinking. Once you begin to worry, you do not think clearly anymore. Worrying about tomorrow doesn't help anything but rather squeezes the joy out of today. It paralyzes the ability to think positively. 

What do I do? - Prayer!

Prayer should be done, first, to be thankful to God for all the things and people in your life; be thankful that you have come this far and regardless of whatever the situation is right now, there are others out there who are in worse situations. Then, you release your thoughts and worries to God and finally, thank Him once again that you know your situation is a settled matter because you belong to Him. 

After doing this, you notice the presence of the peace of God. Philippians 4:6&7 says it all, "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
After making your requests known to God with thanksgiving, the next thing that follows is peace. 

With God on your side, victory over worry is sure and your eyes are opened to the bright sides. While worry only magnifies the problem and makes you feel like there's no way out, the peace of God will make you realize that there's nothing too difficult for God to handle and He's totally in control. We then receive peace and comfort through the Word. 

Psalm 94:19 ----> In the multitude of my thoughts within me, thy comforts delight my soul.

Get rid of worry and leave it all to God. 


19th November, 2015 ( Friday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :-  Hebrews 4:12, KJV. "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."

(The Word) :- Good morning great people. Hope you had a cool night?

The Word is about the most powerful thing in the universe. The name of Jesus is powerful, very powerful and there's also power in the blood. But Psalm 138:2 tells us that He honours His Word more than His name. What power dwells in the Word. Our anchor scripture tells us that the Word is quick and powerful and sharper than any 2-edged sword. 

As believers, we have been given the Word for our advantage . When we send the Word on assignment, it begins action. The Word is our weapon to fight the enemies. Even when Jesus was in the wilderness and the devil came to tempt Him, Jesus spoke the Word and it worked for Him. The devil and his demons can't stand the Word. 

Proverbs 18:21 tells us that death and life are in the power of the tongue. So what a man speaks matters a lot. That's the reason why we should watch how we use our tongues. When the devil wants to get a man, he puts him in situations and gives him the idea to confess what he's going through and the moment he uses the power on the tongue to support what he confesses, that situation becomes a reality. 

So what a man confesses is what he possesses. We should stop speaking our fears and situations but instead begin to speak the Word. Joel 3:10 teaches how - let the weak say I am strong. If the weak confess that they are weak, they will continue to remain weak. That fear has no power over you until you give it the authority to by confessing it. That's a fact! 

Let's watch what we confess and speak with our mouths. We should speak the Word and not the problem. We should tell the problem how big our God is and stop telling God how big the problem is. With the Word spoken concerning that situation, it's days are numbered. Speak the Word!  #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :- Ezekiel 37, Matthew 8:5-13. 

Wednesday, 18 November 2015


18th November, 2015 ( Wednesday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- Isaiah 55:8, KJV. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."

(The Word) :- Good morning Kings and Queens. Hope you had a refreshing night? 

One reason why many do not get along with God so easily is because they have created a future in their minds and they just expect God to put a stamp on it and bring it to pass. They already have in their minds the picture of the type of future they want, how it's all supposed to play out and they fail to realise that it's about God and not us. 

Jer.29:11 tells us that God has a plan for us and we have a place in destiny. We are not just robots on assignment, God has a plan for every step and issue of our life and He has His ways of doing things. The fact is that His ways are not our ways and until we're ready to face and accept that fact, we will keep missing out.

The plan of God for every step of our lives (what to study, which school to go, who to marry, career, and so on) is almost totally different from what we have in mind and that's the reason why we have to be open minded and let God have His way. That He handled Mr.A this way doesn't mean He will handle Mr.B the same way. 

He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, yet He handled the three of them in 3 different ways. We, therefore, shouldn't stereotype God. He is a dynamic God and cannot be predicted. The danger of stereotyping God is that if He comes in a different way apart from what you have in mind, you would think it's the devil trying to push you from destiny and that's how many people miss it in life.

Please, don't stereotype God. Predicting Him may not work. It's always best we keep an open mind and let Him have His way. His ways and thoughts are totally different from ours. #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :- Exodus 14

Tuesday, 17 November 2015


17th November, 2015 ( Tuesday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- Phil 2:16, KJV. "Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain."

(The Word) :- Good morning Your Royal Eminence. Cool night? All glory to God. 

It's no more news that as believers, we are all running a race. The race varies in length for all believers. Some run for just about 30years, while some might still be in the race even after 90years. So the race is different for each human being, that's why even Apostle Paul said those that compare themselves with themselves are not wise (2 Cor. 10:12). 

However, regardless of how long the race is, we will finish it one day and the result of the race is all that matters - whether the race is a successful one or a failed one; and as believers, we just can't afford to fail. It would have been better not to start at all, than to start and fail in the end. 

Thank God for Jesus Christ who is our strength because faithful is He who has called us who will also do it (1 Thess. 5:24). The success of the race will not come from our personal struggles but total dependence on God and He has given us a sure way to do it - the secret. 

This secret to a successful race is the Word of Life - The Bible. All that we need to run a successful race is embedded there in. The challenge is that many of us find it difficult to study the Word. Jesus' race was successful, Apostle Paul's race was also successful and many others, we therefore can also run a successful race. 

The Amplified version of our anchor scripture adds that u don't only stick to the Word of Life, you also offer it to all men. When we follow these secrets, a successful race is inevitable. Happy successful racing. #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :- I cor. 9:23-27. 

Monday, 16 November 2015


16th November, 2015 (Monday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- Hebrews 8:12, KJV. "For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more."

(The Word) :-  Good morning Beloved. Hope you had a good night?

Hosea 4:6 says "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..." Ignorance is what is destroying many people today. Someone said what differentiates the rich from the poor isn't money but information. That is why we should learn to always seek quality information. If you're gonna be better today than you were yesterday, you must add value to yourself by getting to know more. 

Ignorance of the fact that God forgives and forgets is what hinders many 'Christians' today from growing spiritually. The idea that God has a record of all their past deeds and will deal with them in the future is what has stopped many from moving to the next level in their relationship with God. 

The truth is that God has no record of our past sins. If He forgave you, He also forgot it. In our anchor scripture, God told us that He will be merciful to us and He will totally forget our sins. So He actually keeps no record of them. Col.2:15 also says, "by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross." All our sins are gone with the Cross.

So, please, leave your past behind. If Jesus forgave you and has promised not to remember them anymore, then you should also not remember them anymore. Those trials you may be going through right now are not as a result of your past sins, it's part of life. We all have our fair share of tribulations as believers (John 14:30). 

Finally, if we have the seed of God in us (I john 3:9), and are also gods (Psalm 82:6) made in His image (Gen.1:27), then we like does, we also have the capability to forgive others and forget their misdeeds. Let's put that 'grace' to use. We are free in Christ. Hallelujah! Goodbye to my past! #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :- Hebrews 10:17, Isaiah 43:25, Jeremiah 31:34. 

Saturday, 14 November 2015


14th November, 2015 ( Friday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- Psalms 27:14, ESV."Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!"

(The Word) :-  Good morning Great and Mighty Sons and Daughters of the Most High. Sure the night was good.

It's in the fallen human nature to be impatient. For instance, anyone who's been on a queue for a while won't take too long before he begins to complain or even look for an alternative. In Gal.5:22, one of the fruit of the Spirit listed there is 'patience', it therefore follows that impatience is from the devil.

The first fact that we would like to establish this morning is that if God has promised, then it'll surely come to pass. "When?" is the question. Numbers 23:19 tells us that God will not lie. If He has said it, then He will make it good. It may be delayed, it may tarry but it will surely come. Our God is a faithful God. It is so serious that the Bible says that if a prophet speaks in God's name and it doesn't come to pass, then it didn't come from God (Deut.18:22).

Abraham was promised and for 25years, he waited until it came (Romans 4:16-22); King David was also promised the throne and He had to wait about 15years. However, in the process of waiting, many lose focus and make a diversion towards an alternative. 

This is where they miss it. Habakkuk 2:3 tells us that every vision and promise has a date of accomplishment. If it comes earlier than that, it could cause some damage to the person involved, probably because he/she isn't ready for it yet. We just gotta wait. He's probably preparing us for that miracle. 

No matter how hard a child asks for car, even if we have the money to buy 30 cars, we can't give that child one yet until he's old enough. So it is with God. Has God promised you? I can assure you that it will come to pass. Patience is the key and let Him work on you while you wait. Don't lose focus. Let not the devil give you a photocopy. It'll never be like the original. #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :- Habakkuk 2:1-4, Romans 4:16-22

Friday, 13 November 2015



The Bible refers to God as the Creator. The first few verses of the first book of the Bible tell us that nothing existed until God began to create by the Word of His mouth. And in the last book of the Bible, Revelation, we read in verse 8 of the first chapter that God is "Alpha and Omega" - beginning and the end. I.e. Without beginning or end. 

The next logical question would be "then who created God?" Well, the answer, from the Bible, is that God was not created. God just is. He is eternal. 

The evidences of God's existence are in everything He created. For example, how does water get in the coconut? How is the baby (flesh and bone) formed from blood in the womb? How come the sun and moon never coincide either in the day or in the night? Even the Eclipses are another evidence. How come the seasons know when to come and go? How come the sources of the never ending waterfalls have never been discovered till date? Even those who don't read the Bible know from nature that there must have been a supreme creator. Despite the propositions of theories on the process by which the worlds began, some scientists still make reference to some "intelligent design" - a creator. 

Believers believe that God exists in three (3) different forms:
God, the Father
God, the Son
God, the Holy Spirit. 

Now, because this supreme God wants a relationship with us, He has revealed more than we can understand from nature. That revelation is the Bible. From the Bible, we understand God as the supreme Creator, Jesus, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as the powerful presence of God. Therefore, one God but existing in three different forms. 

Think of it. Would God be God if He was comprehensible to us mere humans? God is way beyond us (Isaiah 55:8-9). So the raw truth is that you can't prove to anyone that God exists. No one can prove God. The best anyone can do is provide evidences of God's existence, and there are four of them: Scientific, Historic (Jesus and other fulfilled prophecies), Personal experiences and as revealed in the Bible. 

You ask: what if I'm not a  scientist, an historian and not deeply spiritual or trained in the Bible? Then you can do this by expressing His love to others.

Those asking you to prove God are watching you and will make their conclusions based on what they see in you. So are you living the life of Christ here on earth? Are you, in every situation, behaving like Christ would have? When you do all of these and express the love of God, you wouldn't need to say a word to convince anyone that God exists because they would see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven (Matt. 5:16). The fact that they glorify 'your Father in Heaven' means they are already convinced about the existence of God without you saying a word. All you may need to say is to share your faith, using Bible verses that would invite them to share in what makes you believe in God, giving personal experiences (verses like John 3:16, I john 4:16).

The more you live your faith, the less you need to defend it, the more others see Jesus in you. 

If you're blessed, Please share this article with others. 


13th November, 2015 (Friday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :-  Matthew 25:12, AMP. "But He replied, I solemnly declare to you, I do not know you [I am not acquainted with you]."

(The Word) :- Good morning Joint-Heirs with Christ. Thank God for a brand new day.

Most times, when Jesus described the Kingdom of Heaven using parables, He often described 2 different categories of people. For example, the teaching on the separation of the sheep and the goat in Matthew 25:31-46, the goats are actually not all unbelievers. They claim to have been saved and go through the normal routines of the Church. It's of these people that Apostle Paul says they have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof (2 Timothy 3:5). 

We can refer to this category of people as just being religious and they are everywhere around us. They are just being religious. Many of them are Christians because they were born into a Christian family, not because they have encountered Christ. They are just in Church. 

Some of these people also fall into the category of the hypocrites. They are probably in Church because it's an avenue to show off their new attires, hair styles, expensive bags or shoes and so on. The day their offering is significant (in amount), everyone around them will be aware and the day they don't have it, they just make a fist and put their hands down the offering basket not dropping anything so no one gets the impression they didn't give any offering. 

Apostle Paul, throughout the New Testament, never referred to believers as Christians. In the days of the early Church, the Disciples were called Christians because the people saw Jesus in them (Acts 11:26). Nowadays, a Christian describes anyone who attends a Church and carries a Bible. 

Are we just in Church? Or we are in Christ? Are you a hypocrite? A lady who normally will always wear a scarf to church, but because she wants to show off her new hairstyle doesn't put it on and another lady who doesn't use scarfs at all but because her hair is unkept puts on a scarf to church. Both of them are hypocrites. To these people, Jesus will say, "I do not know you." #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :- Matthew 25, Matthew 23, Romans 2:17-24

Thursday, 12 November 2015


12th November, 2015 (Thursday) - WORDS OF LIFE 


(Scripture) :- Psalm 103:1-5, KJV. "Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's."

(The Word) :-  Good morning Beloved of God. Hope you had a blessed night rest?

The fallen human nature doesn't know how to keep records of right but perfectly keeps record of wrongs. You do something good, almost nobody realises, but make a mistake, they are all there to castigate and make you realise it. In view of this, there's every probability to just flow and enjoy the good moments God gives but when the challenges come, we turn back at God and it feels like He has never done anything good. 

There's the saying that "one who thinks deeply will know how to be grateful". We shouldn't wait to be cajoled before we realise that we actually owe God thanksgiving. 

The psalmist, in our anchor scripture, speaks to himself to bless the Lord and not forget the good times. This is something we should all do. When the rocky times come, we should remember all the good things God has done. He then goes ahead to list some of them: forgiveness, divine health, redemption, love and mercy, divine provision, and divine strength. 

If it's for these reasons alone, we should learn to thank God. There are people out there who don't have houses, food, clothes or sound health. We live in big houses, eat what we want (maybe not just what we have), complain of what to wear, and are not in the hospital; yet, because, something doesn't go our way, we think God is a wicked God. We forget that we didn't even ask for His leading before embarking on it.

 Lord have mercy! 

Let's learn to be more grateful, even for the things we regard as little or insignificant. No matter the situation, there are worse situations out there. Remember, one who appreciates for today will receive another tomorrow. #SELAH 

Further Bible Study :-  Psalm 103, Psalm 100, Psalm 150.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

The Story and The Song : IT IS WELL

If you have ever wondered what the author of the hymn 'It is well' was going through when he wrote the hymn, here it is:


The hymn was written by Horatio Spafford. He was born in 1828 and was a wealthy lawyer who lived in Chicago with his family - a wife (Anna), four daughters and a son.

At the peak of his success professionally and financially, Horatio and Anna suffered a tragic loss of their only son. Then, the Great Chicago Fire, on October 8, 1871, destroyed almost every real estate investment that they had. 

Two years later, in order to completely recover from the tragedy, Horatio scheduled a vacation trip to Europe also to attend an evangelistic meeting in England. He sent his wife and daughters ahead of him while attended to some unexpected last minute business. 

Few days later, he received information that the family ship was involved in a collision and sank. All four of his daughters drowned; only the wife survived. 

With a heavy heart, Spafford boarded a boat to take him to his grieving wife at England. It was on this trip, as he passed by the location where his four daughters died, he wrote the words "When sorrows like sea billows roll; it is well, it is well with my soul."

Philip Bliss, a composer, composed a beautiful piece of music to accompany the lyrics.

For more than a century, the tragic story of one man has given hope to countless thousands who have lifted their voices to sing, 'It is well with my soul.'


When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.

It is well (it is well),
with my soul (with my soul),
It is well, it is well with my soul.

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.


My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to His cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!


For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live:
If Jordan above me shall roll,
No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life
Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul.


And Lord haste the day, when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.


Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)