Friday, 28 July 2017


1 Cor. 6:11 
And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

When Adam sinned, we fell from Grace, we left God's house. We became slaves of the Devil. He dealt with us without any remorse. Being slaves of the Devil, we worked and worked so hard, yet without pity. The lost son in Luke 15:11-32 became a slave to the owner of that field. He worked and worked and was not paid a dime. If he was paid something, maybe he would have been able to afford himself a good meal once in a while. He only lived with the Swines and ate their food. He was pumped full of dirt both on the outside and on the inside.

In the same way, while we were in the world, and were slaves of the Devil, he pumped us full of dirt. We had hatred in us, anger, unforgiveness, covetousness, Fornication, adultery, idolatry, stealing, lies, murder, drunkenness, strife, rebellion, and the likes inside of us. The total manifestation of the works of the flesh was evident in our lives (Gal. 5:19-21). We were typical of a child who left his parents' house to go play with the kids next door and they made him roll in mud, so much that he became so dirty from top to bottom. 

Like the Prodigal son and his father, when he got back home, apologized, and the father fell on him and kissed him, the next thing that the father asked to be done to him was that he should be washed clean, his clothes should be changed and shoes be put on his feet. He was totally washed clean of all stain and dirt he brought from wherever he went to. His clothes were changed from top to bottom too. By the time they were through cleaning him up, there was absolutely no sign that he was dirty. In the same way, when we become saved by Grace through faith, we enter into the bathroom of the Spirit and are washed from top to bottom with the water, sponge and soap of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit completely washes us of all the impurities we picked up while in the world. The works of the flesh are completely gotten rid of, and by the time He is through with us, there is no sign that we were once murderers, thieves, drunkards, fornicators, idolaters and so on. This is why when a Believer tells you about his way of life in the world, we usually will not believe that such a person changed that much. It was the same with the Apostle Paul who once persecuted the church. 

Not only are we washed, our clothes are changed. We now put on a garment called ''Righteousness". GRACE makes this possible for us. God now refers to us as "Sanctified". Glory! 

The moment you became born again, you were immediately moved into the bathroom of the Holy Spirit to be washed. Its a process. You don't get discouraged if just midway into your bath, you still see some dirt on you. In the same way, don't get discouraged and return to those bad deeds even if you are now born again and you still see some signs of those bad deeds. It's a gradual process and will usually take some time. 

CONFESSION: Glory to God! I used to be outside, now I am inside; used to be dirty, but now I am washed clean by the Holy Spirit. I am sanctified. I am justified. No longer who I used to be, now a completely new creature. He calls me righteous. I am righteous. Hallelujah! 

If you are not yet saved, and you are ready to give Grace a chance to make you a new creature, and give you a new life, justified in Christ, you're just a CLICK away. 

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