Good day Dear Believers, we have so far disussed:
Grace 1 (In need of a Saviour) - we were lost, needed a Saviour and got the best.
Grace 2 (Welcomed back into the family) - we returned back to relationship with God.
Grace 3 (Receive the gift) - Grace is a gift and not a reward for some work. If it is of works, then grace is no more Grace.
Now, today, after Believers begin their faith-walk with God, the devil sometimes brings thoughts of their past life into their minds to get them to think on the wrong they did before they were saved. Such Believers may then doubt if they really were completely forgiven or will still be punished later on. As a matter of fact, whenever they face challenges, it begins to appear to them as though God won't let them go for the wrong they did before they got saved, and God is taking revenge. These are all lies of the devil, and that's why, today, we discuss the fact that Grace has made us totally forgiven, and all past wrongs, completely forgotten by God.
{ Hebrews 8:12 } - For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.
The moment we become saved; the moment we receive the gift of Grace, the moment we switch sides from the devil to God, the devil doesn't take a break with us. He still returns again, and this time to remind us of how unworthy we are, to receive Grace. He begins to remind us of all the mistakes we made, of what our past looked like, he begins to show us the picture of the people we were before God saved us. He tries to make us feel guilty, so that we can throw Grace away.
Have you ever felt like your whole past life came rushing back at you like a mighty river? And the moment that happened, you began to feel so bad and guilty that you didn't think God really saved you, maybe God just decided to keep your sins somewhere so that He can punish you later. The devil makes us think that there's no way God could have saved someone with such a dark past as us. At this point, the devil tries to convince us that when we go through any tough time, the moment nothing works out, the moment we come face to face with a challenge, it is God punishing us for all of our past. Lies! Lies! Lies! Nothing but lies.
Here is the truth! Col. 2:14 says, "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross". Your whole past life are the "handwriting of ordinances" that Jesus blotted out. He took them out of the way. He nailed them to the Cross. He completely wiped them off. Who would you rather believe? Jesus? Or the devil? Here is another truth. Heb. 8:12 says, "For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more". See that? God already promised that He will remember them no more.
Once again, who would you rather believe? Jesus forgave you and did not only forgive you, He forgot about your past life. He sees you as righteous. To Him, it's like you never committed those sins. He really gave you a new beginning. He gave you a chance to rewrite your own life. And that's the truth. So the next time the devil comes and tries to fill your head with how dirty your past was and who you used used to be, look right back at him in the face and remind him of his past also, how he used to be glorious but is now fallen from Grace, never to be redeemed again, and how Jesus came all the way for you instead of him. Let the devil know the Cross was for you, and you're now a new creature (2 Cor. 5:17). Glory!
The truth is that the devil will keep coming. He knows he has lost a fight, and will try to get back at you by throwing thoughts in your head so that you disagree with Jesus. It's like making a wife disagree with her husband by telling her that the husband really didn't forgive her and will take revenge. All lies. Speak the Word into his face and end with the words of Angel Michael in Jude 1:9, "The Lord rebuke thee".
DAILY CONFESSION: I choose to believe what Jesus says about me over whatever lies the devil may fabricate. I believe that I have been forgiven, that all ordinances against me have been blotted out, that my past is completely gone, that I am saved, washed clean and now a new creature, old things are past away, and now everything has become new. Glory!
If you are not yet saved, and you are ready to give Grace a chance to make you a new creature, and give you a new life, you're just a CLICK away.
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