Friday, 21 July 2017


{Ephesians 2:19 } - Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God.

One of the worst things that can happen to anyone is to be willfully lost, to walk out of your own home with the desire never to come back again. It always appears cool at the beginning until the person begins to wake up to reality, that there is really no place like home. There is nothing the devil has to offer that is worth leaving the kingdom of God for. Whatever the devil has to offer is always short-lived (2 Cor. 4:18). The devil only uses sugar-coated poisons to lure us out of the presence of God, and then he takes the suger-coating away from the poison. That is when we wake up to reality.

The parable of the lost son in Luke 15:11-32 is about the best illustration to explain the topic. I believe the devil made him think that it was better to live alone than stay with his Father (just as the case is today). The part the devil didn't say was that the son would become his slave. The son left and wasted all, and then after that, the famine started. The suger-coating was gone. The devil helped him to come to reality very quickly. The agenda of the devil was now revealed. The son would resume work in a field, feeding swines and eating the food of the swines.

The glorious part began when he thought to himself that even the servants in his father's house were better than his current situation, which is always the case. God's "worst" will always be better than the devil's best. So he left and went back home. The moment he got back home, there was joy in the house. No scolding whatsoever, no abuses whatsoever from the Father. His Father threw a party to celebrate his return home. He was lost, but now found, he was blind but now could see, wounded but now healed, dead but now alive.

This is the true state of every Believer that is welcomed back into the family of Christ. Your past is completely past. Jesus has forgiven you and forgotten it (Heb. 8:12, Col. 2:15). He has given you a new name, He calls you Righteous (2 Cor. 5:21). He rejoices that you are back (Lk. 15:10). You know what? He didn't replace you in that family. He kept your seat and position waiting for the day you would come back. All you need to do is to thank Him, return to your position as a Son and not a slave, and enjoy your life back into GRACE, welcomed back into the family.

If this is the case, then don't put yourself in the position of a slave when God has made you a Son. Come boldly to the throne of Grace and receive mercy and Grace to help. Understand that Christ has welcomed you back with open arms, your past, completely forgiven and forgotten. Act like the Son that you are.

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