Thursday 28 April 2016


2 Samuel 14:14, Titus 2:11.

Good day Beloved,
We discussed in the first part some Mysteries of our identities. A close friend got so personal with it that he edited his name and added 'GOD' to it. Well, no worries. After all, the Scripture says 'we are gods and Children of the Most High' (Ps. 82:6). So it's acceptable.
(To read up on the first part, you could check my Facebook wall or ------> )

However, the latter part of 2 Sam. 14:14 says that God devises means so that those He has Banished do not become expelled.

In this part, we will go ahead to discuss that devised means.
For someone to be banished is:
- Not to have access to a particular place or thing.
- To always be on the run, looking over the shoulder.
- To be denied some benefits/privileges once enjoyed.

Well, one general truth is that Man was banished from Eden. Eternal life was taken from man, all the comforts and privileges of Eden were withdrawn and Man lost access to Eden (Gen. 3:22-24).

However, God, true to His Word, devised a means so that His Banished does not become expelled. That means was the Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. He sent His Only Son so as to bring many sons (you and I) into glory (Heb. 2:10).

Now, through the Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross, we have access to Eden once again, we have eternal life again (Jn. 3:16).
Titus 2:11 says ' The GRACE that brings salvation has appeared unto ALL men...'. That GRACE is JESUS.

Without Him, we would all have been all expelled like the devil. But thank God for Jesus. This is the height of love. There is no greater love than this that a man should lay down his life for another (Jn. 15:13).

Please and please, you can put an end to sorrow, Sickness, failure, lack, and all oppressions of the devil. Let Jesus fight for you. He has never lost. Allow Him. Access that GRACE and begin to enjoy a life of ease. It's real. It's here.

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