Thursday 11 February 2016


February 11th, 2016 (Thursday)

[Topic] - DO IT YOURSELF (D.I.Y)

[Scripture] - Proverbs 6:9. "...You lazy people, how long are you going to lie there? When will you get up?"

[Message] - Good morning Beloved. For this God is our God for ever and ever.

The statement, 'do it yourself', is one many of us are familiar with. It is meant to get us to do somethings on our own and not rely on others to get them done for us. Many of us want the finished products and want to skip all the labour processes and hardwork. It's time to do it yourself. 

Laziness is one of the traps that the devil uses to keep people down and bound, especially the youths. As the saying goes, 'an idle hand is the devil's workshop'. God doesn't work with lazy people. He is rewarder of them that 'diligently' seek Him (Heb.11:6). Do you see a man who is 'diligent in his business, he willl stand before kings (Prov.22:29).  

I heard from a man of God that God will never substitute diligence for anointing oil. God has never blessed indolence is not about to start. We have got to get up and do something. Particularly, in the things that concern the spirit. Many times we just want to sit back and listen to sermons, read devotionals, and so on, and are never going in search of the Truth ourselves. 

Now that's not to say it's wrong. It's not, but there has to be a personal effort to create your own personal relationship with God. That what He want. I'm pretty sure you can't do that with other areas of your life. For instance, give someone the money to go on a vacation for you, then come back and tell you all about it, while you sit and save yourself the stress. Would you? NO! Would you give your wife/husband to someone else to help you take care of and then bring them when you're old to save yourself the stress. Would you? NO! 

Then, it's time to do the digging in the WORD of God for yourself! Do it yourself! 

PRACTICAL STEP :- A good place to start is with the Bible-in-one-year plan below. 

FURTHER BIBLE STUDY :- Proverbs 6:6-9, Matthew 25:14-30

BIBLE-IN-ONE-YEAR PLAN :- Mark 10:46 - Mark 12:40, Job 20: 1-19

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